I'm in the pursuit of knowledge, not truth. I will not blind site myself by searching for an end. Knowledge is never ending and opens up your horizons to new roads unimaginable. Knowledge is power in the sense of ignorance. Being open and willing to learn is power. Power to explore. Truth is ignorance. Ignorant people want to know the truth so badly that they make it up for themselves, hence religion and other mind games. The desire for truth is a binding on oneself, to not be able to see the light of true wonders. Some people find their "truth" and stop searching. Their "truth" is a blindfold and will lash out at anything that defies or contradicts it. Searching for a final truth is comparable to a leap of a cliff; you find what you think is true then you are never able to get back up the cliff to continue on. Knowledge is the thirst to keep wondering. Meeting new people, seeing both sides of the same coin, learning new opinions, pure respect for those who thinking differently than thou.

Keep wondering, my friend.

jul 27 2019 ∞
jul 27 2019 +