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undecided. a worrier. oldest of two girls.
tendency toward alcoholism. more than slightly neurotic. pro-choice, pro-gay marriage/equal rights. longs for "life in the fast lane"--don't know if i could hack it or even have the guts. i want to party, live it up, know where i'm going, know what i want. hate ignorance. hate this health care system. miss the "simpler life" of being a child. moving out ...

lisa FILM
listography NEW NEWS
  • tell mom and dad i plan on moving back up north
  • save as much as possible to move
  • apply for jobs up there/figure out job situation
      • find a job through Mandy?
      • find a job through family?
  • use tax return to buy a car
  • tell everyone else i'm moving
  • ask aunt and uncle if i can live with them
  • figure out school
  • pack everything up
  • move as soon as possible!
jan 29 2011 ∞
mar 1 2012 +