xu yiyang (徐艺洋) was born in nanchong, sichuan, china on september 12, 1997, and is currently a solo artist under l.tao entertainment (since 2018). she trained at etm academy (2014) and later trained at sm entertainment for around three years, announced as an smrookie in 2016. in 2018, she joined her current company and participated in the chinese survival show 'the next top bang (下一站传奇),' later debuting in the girl group LEGAL HIGH, active for a year. in 2020, she participated in 'produce camp 2020 (创造营2020),' finishing in 8th place. she released her solo song,《聆听》"listen" on july 16th, 2020. on september 9th, 2020, yiyang released a single titled《OMG》in collaboration with tencent music & entertainment. she released her first EP《会不会再见》january 8th, 2021, including three songs (《会不会再见》(trans: "will we meet again"),《superpower》,and《pierrot》. her second EP《花湮灭》was released june 24th, 2021 with two songs 《花湮灭》and《小二》.