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As a rich, award-winning, singer, dancer, choreographer, song-writer, journalist, korean-canadian rapper, belieber once said, “And that’s a long ass ride.”

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i vaguely remember you telling me that you were more of a winter person, so i’m not really sure how you’d feel about it being sunny. after reading this, tell me so that i know!

when it's sunny, i think about summer love, eating popsicles while sitting on chalk-covered sidewalks, water balloon fights, and dreaded high school summer reading.

i love the sun. sometimes it's sunny but nice and windy. but even if it's hot, even if i get sweaty and irritable, i still feel more alive in the summer than i do any other season.

growing up, i feel like the freedom of summers sort of die. so maybe now that you look outside and you see the light that it brings, it reminds you of some of your good childhood memories. back to simpler times when things didn't matter so much.

do you think we'd make good childhood friends, baby? honestly, i don't think so but it'll be funny. i feel like i'd irritate you and just be that annoying younger kid that you have to take places because your mom tells you so. and i'd have a very obvious crush on you growing up, always eager to spend time together.

growing up, you'd have all my attention. until i reach a certain age and my interests change, my focus on something else. then puberty hits and suddenly you're the one looking dumb and giving me attention, all eager to be near me.

sunny days reminds me of first loves.

i think you'd make a pretty good one.

first loves are also first heartbreaks though.

(i guess you'd be worth it.)

jun 24 2019 ∞
jul 4 2019 +