• donald trump is the racist uncle u dream of having; like he will use the world coloureds but for ur birthday he will get u that macbook u use to write all those thought catalog articles ; he’s not not like uncle doug who says the immigrants are taking his jobs but hasn’t gotten off the couch in years and has not bought u a single gift in years. so fuck uncle doug go uncle donald
  • take your blood money and let it trickle, let the blood trickle down your cheek till it comes down to me as the food I need
  • my mom cares so much about my health that she still asked if i ate after my death
  • hey I’m not racist! i let a some girl w a thing on her head pass me in traffic
  • Patriotic by nature= white Not patriotic by nature= everyone else: I’m not patriotic by nature
  • ANn TIFfA is an INFAnT that goes dADA
  • cockroach in the laundromat
  • apple pay at the dollar tree
  • Chip on a bet card


- It's like you have ghost hardware blast suppressor and dead silence on - anis - Myth busters: does putting keys between fingers at night work to stop men from being straight up demons - Suspicious of men's hands out of cars while driving; why are u so relaxed - Babies do not deserve constipation, leave ibs and hemorrhoid safe what bankers and embezzlers deserve - Eat high fructose corn syrup for the culture - If it's not costing you, who is it? If it's cheap for you, who is it costing?


  • wearing cute band aids in specific places
  • throw up on command when a man starts speaking to you
  • speak another language when a man speaks to you
feb 3 2017 ∞
feb 3 2017 +