• Sweet Valley series Kids, Twins, Middle School, High School, Unicorns. Anything Sweet Valley, I'd read it. Sadly, it wasn't really sold everywhere here, so I had to settle for the library. I know. Geek.
  • Lamut, Ifugao So my parents decide to build a house here and every summer would be spent staying in this farm in between a mountain and a river. Cool, huh? My brother and I found all sorts of weird stuff to do, from swinging on bamboo trees, making "traps" for thieves, or riding a carabao. We were strange kids.
  • Rugrats Probably one of the shows what triggered my imagination the most, aside from Blue's Clues.
  • The Piano Every week I had to trudge on over to my neighbor's house, who was conveniently my piano teacher as well. I hated practicing, but I loved the thrill of playing a mastered piece. Too bad the only thing I can play now is Fur Elise.
  • Disney movies Mulan was my favorite, definitely. Back then, VHS tapes were all we had and it kept me distracted for most of my childhood. I loved the sound of rewinding tapes too.
  • Pokemon Who could forget having to "Catch 'em all?". I was a kid, and I was obsessed. A bad combination, really.
  • Gameboy The only thing I had was Pokemon Yellow, but I occasionally played Donkey Kong whenever my brother would lend it to me.
  • Days with Sofia and Henry My two cousins, who were my neighbors too. We did all sort of nonsense, like starting a rebellion against our other cousin, gymnastics in a small, inflatable pool, all our Christmas pageants, and performing to the song of Dancing Queen. Ah. Those were the days.
  • Enchanted Kingdom Not a year would pass without us going here. Usually it would be on my birthday, but whenever we'd go, I'd always vehemently avoid the Space Shuttle.
  • Nick Jr. I'd rush home just to watch Blue's Clues. Enough said.
jan 24 2009 ∞
jun 1 2009 +