kate's listography
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white oleander - janet fitch
candy - terry southern
jeremy griffith
johann wolfgang von goethe
nausea - jean-paul sartre
suicide - edouard levé
the brothers karamazov - fyodor dostoyevsky
everything - simon price
darkness visible: a memoir of madness
the glass castle - jeanette walls
high rise - j g ballard
gone girl - gillian flynn
mrs dalloway - virginia woolf
after you’d gone - maggie o’farrell
on the heights of despair - emil cioran
darkness visible - william golding
the girl on the train - paula hawkins
infinite jest
the great gatsby - f scott fitzgerald
confessions of a sociopath - m e thomas
deathless - catherynne m valente
on the road - jack kerouac
the letters of van gogh
this side of paradise - f scott fitzgerald
wasted - marya hornbacher
it's kind of a funny story - ned vizzini
perfume - patrick suskind
less than zero - bret easton ellis
the virgin suicides - jeffrey eugenides
madness - marya hornbacher
the book of disquiet
unbearable lightness of being
the torn skirt - rebecca godfrey
demian - herman hesse
suicide - edward levé
no one belongs here more than you
you know where to find me - rachel cohn
1q84 - haruki murakami
paint it black - janet fitch
the secret history - donna tartt
house of leaves - mark z danielewski
night - elie wiesel
let the great world spin
irvine welsh
the outsiders - s e hinton
blind faith
perfect girls, starving daughters - courtney e martin
the english patient
giovanni's room
just kids - patti smith
please kill me - gillian mccain
the realm of possibility - david levithan
history of serial murder - peter vronsky
slim to none - jennifer hendricks
hunger point - jilian medoff
the graveyard book - neil gaiman
the passion of alice - stephanie grant
the edible woman - margaret atwood
mansfield park - jane austen
wuthering heights - emily bronte
his dark materials - phillip pullman
great expectations
the bloody chamber - angela carter
just listen - sarah dessen
futureproof - frank daniels
massive - julia bell
nothing - robin friedman
unbearable lightness - portia
eats, shoots and leaves - lynne truss
bunny munroe
hula - lisa shea
about a girl - joanne horniman
the crossing - mandy hager
13 reasons why - jay asher
friends like these - danny wallace
outliers - malcolm gladwell
prophecy of the sisters
the beginner's guide to living
poppy z brites
food and loathing - betsy lerner
2nd star to the right - deborah hautzig
best little girl in the world - stephen levenkron
riding in cars with boys - beverly donofrio
a spell to be cast prior to dying
a life in pieces - richard k baer
120 days of sodom - marquis de sade
misery - stephen king
justine - marquis de sade
the painted bird - jerzy kosinski
geek love - katharine dunn
the wasp factory - iain banks
glamorama - bret easton ellis
haunted - chuck palahniuk
the interpretation of murder - jed rubenfeld
memoirs of a teenage amnesiac - gabrielle zevin
the raw shark texts - steven hall
lighting up - susan shapiro
tweak - nic sheff
exit here
a dirty job - chris moore
5 people you meet in heaven
i am neurotic - lianna kong
human croquet - kate atkinson
secret life of bees
flowers for algeron
the secret - rhonda byrne
history of love - nicole krauss
war and peace - leo tolstoy
1000 splendid suns - khaled
bloom - elizabeth scott
this lullaby - sarah dressen
pride and prejudice - jane austen
little women
tess of the d'urbervilles
rebecca - daphne du maurier
birdsong - sebastian faulk
time traveller's wife
middlemarch - george eliot
gone with the wind
the great gatsby
bleak house
hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
brideshead revisited
crime and punishment - fyodor dostoyevsky
grapes of wrath
wind in the willows
anna karenina
david copperfield
the kite runner
captain corelli's mandolin
memoirs of a geisha
animal farm
the da vinci code
100 years of solitude
a prayer for owen meaney
the woman in white
far from the maddening crowd
the handmaid's tale
life of pi
dune - frank herbert
cold comfort farm
sense and sensibility
a suitable boy
the shadow of the wind
a tale of two cities
brave new world
love in the time of cholera
of mice and men
the lovely bones
count of monte cristo
jude the obscure
bridget jones' diary
midnight's children
moby dick
oliver twist
the secret garden
notes from a small island
swallows and amazons
germinal - emile zola
vanity fair - william thackeray
possession - a s byatt
a christmas carol - dickens
cloud atlas - david mitchell
the colour purple - alice walker
the remains of the day
madame bovary - gustave flaubert
a fine balance - rohinton mistry
adventures of sherlock holmes
the faraway tree collection
heart of darkness - joseph conrad
the little prince
watership down
a confederacy of dunces
a town like alice
the three musketeers
les miserables - victor hugo
one day - david nicholls
the pillars of the earth
room - emma donahue
the leopard - jo nesbo
the passage - justin cronin
belle - lesley pierce
the book thief
life - keith richards
mao's last dancer
the power of one
the bronze horsemen
fall of giants
water for elephants
scar tissue
child 44
the memory keeper's daughter
american gods
the alchemist
the girl in times square
afterwards - rosamund lupton
eat, pray, love
the hypnotist - lars keplar
the bourne series
nineteen minutes
into the wilderness - sara donati
this charming man
norwegian wood
fahrenheit 451
matthew reilly
the glass castle - jeannette walls
gingerbread - rachel cohn
so b it - sarah weeks
out of the dust - karen hesse
cut - patricia mccormick
petey - ben mikaelsen
mar 27 2012 ∞
nov 14 2015 +