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I love making lists! I do them often, and usually lose them as I make lists on index cards, small notebook paper, whatever I can find whenever. The thing is, if I lose a list, I dont mind doing them over! I've always had a thing for categories. When someone asks me what my favorite (anything) is I cant just answer, I have to break things down into groups. I'm hoping to make new friends that love t...

listography NEW NEWS
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  • 1. I have loved pro wrestling most of my life.
  • 2. I recieved 4 stitched above my eye on my 11th birthday.
  • 3. One of my happiest moments was playing Tekken for the first time.
  • 4. Time Travel boggles my mind.
  • 5. Pictures Mean Alot to Me
  • 6. I got Shyest in High School
  • 7. I played for the Pirates, little league.
  • 8. I hid my tears while watching Benji at school in the first grade.
  • 9. Smashing Pumpkins "Tonight Tonight" was the first rock song I liked.
  • 10. My hair used to be 12 inches long.
  • 11. Had my ears both pierced at one point.
  • 12. I love Nostalgia
  • 13. Almost joined the Navy after high school.
  • 14. I studied Graphic Arts in school.
  • 15. The poems I wrote as a teenager were titled the time I finished.
  • 16. I bought a Playboy at age 16.
  • 17. My first sites I ever went on were &
  • 18. I strongly dislike Alcohol.
  • 19. I get interupted all the time.
  • 20. Im more of a cat person rather than a dog person.
nov 14 2012 ∞
nov 15 2012 +