• read 3 books
    • harry potter and the order of the phoenix
    • the second sex - part 1
    • just one day
  • watch the last season of pretty little lairs 20/20
  • finish the sehun's cross stitch
  • finish watching reunited worlds 24/40

So, yeah, I wasn't able to do most of the things I set up for this month, but it doesn't mean that it was a waste of time or that I didn't do anything productive. Actually, I did so many things this month. I went to the beach with my best friends!! (then we had a fight and one of them hates me but still). Also, I started my korean classes and I've alredy learned a lot of things like numbers, verbs, so many words and structures. Sadly, I didn't go out so much, but I went to the movies to watch Coco.

jan 8 2018 ∞
feb 3 2018 +