same as other usual dfi honestly, but especially if

  • you're anti-sjw or you truly talk about that shit like "sjws ruined media" or that garbage. i don't want to hear it take that shit right out
  • you're transphobic/homophobic/biphobic/racist/ableist etc.
  • you like/ship incest, pedophilia, l*lic*n/sh*t*c*n stuff.
  • if you're a minor i usually keep my main twitter sfw but it doesn't always stay that way. if i end up sbing you it's for your own safety. don't take it personally please.
  • ace discoursers just don't come near me please
  • same goes for pro-shippers just don't
  • you're into mogeko/funamusea/deepseaprisoner, snk/aot, hetalia, klk
  • if i softblock you please don't come after me asking why.
  • similarly if you've been hardblocked don't bother asking why, it's probably because you've said/done something really bad that falls under usual dfi
may 15 2017 ∞
feb 8 2022 +