i am a good good boy

narrowrule, vminkook, 20k

'The ideal couple. Jimin was short and soft in all the ways Jeongguk was tall and hard. The stuff of highly rated KBS dramas, Taehyung supposed.

Until recently.'

your quality bdsm threesome content

i just adore you asking for more

tendershipping, vmin, 90k

' Taehyung is a successful actor and model looking for a discreet release. Jimin is a professional dom who won’t judge his browsing history. '

of course there is a+ smut but this is worth reading just for tae and jim's relationship development and growing love for each other. also an example of a well written and respectful dom/sub dynamic as well.

come up for air

lissome, vmin, 10k

' vmin are on the swim team, they have Feelings, and they get locked in a locker room '

t'was adorable

mar 23 2019 ∞
mar 31 2019 +