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so hi i'm a guy that loves adventure and traveling and who really wants to get out more and instead can be found cooking up sausage and burgers in a McDonalds grill or in a drive thru window.

also i am literally yusaku fujiki. did i mention i'm literally yusaku fujiki?

listography TERMS
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  • Luna/Clare - My girlfriend, my sweetheart, my significant other... and my partner in every sense of the word. Be it rp partner, partner in crime, or anything else, Luna means the world to me, and obviously, I love her. She's literally my "voice who saved me", kthx. We could be doing absolutely nothing and I'd still love being around her. While she's my girlfriend, she's also one of my best friends who I know I could share anything with. I've always wanted a friend like her, and I'm the luckiest guy in the world to say she's my SO, as well. She's also really freaking talented, but I can go off about her for days so from here, I'll sum it up: Luna's the absolute best.
  • Tails - The Little Bro, the Best Friend, the Ignis partner/hostage. Tails is yet another somebody who means a bunch to me. They're one of the friends who've seen me at my worst, and deserve me at my best, while also helping me get there every step of the way. Unbreakable Bond, yo!
  • Chase - Yet another one of my best friends who also p much doubles as my therapist. Chase has seen me at my worst, alike Tails, and deserves my best, and has always been there to help me when I've needed him. There isn't a day where I'm not thankful for his company and his help, and also, he's a shit.
  • Mel - MEL IS MY OLDEST FRIEND TBH. My PokePal, my oldest best friend... Mel was the first friend I made in school, and she means a lot to me. She's super awesome. I love Mel.
  • Rachel - The Clink brigade leader, the Slow Burn Multi-Chap Queen, and a literal music goddess -- I am just her loyal follower. Rachel's one of my oldest friends, and she's an absolute sweetheart. One of the kindest, most talented people I've ever met, and I'm glad that I met her those eons ago. Even if she hurts me with her fic a lot.
  • Patricia - Patricia is a long-term friend of mine who's writing always leaves me mystified with her abstract, descriptive concepts, and also is a sweetheart. No matter what she's going through, I'll always be there for her, cheering her on the best I can. Also, petition to get her ass out of the Shithole that is her state, please.
  • Felix - P much my Mate from another Bible Belt State. Felix is gr8, and very fun to talk to and be around! We're both VRAINS trash for days, and he makes me laugh every time I talk to him! I'm glad I've got him around, cause it's nice to have someone who gets how Awful The South really is.
  • Omo - OMO IS ANOTHER LONG-STANDING FRIEND. A Sonic nerd who actually rivals my passion and knowledge for the series, they're so great and friendly and a nice presence on my timeline. They also slap you with the best testimonials when you least expect it. Omo has scrolled through me and Clare's screaming about VRAINS "like the morning paper" with support for days, and has made it that Zacian only reminds me of the "ARE YOU KINNING SON" image from day one. 10/10 pls be mutuals with Omo.
  • Helena - THE OG FAN OF MY WORKS, TBH. Hels has been here and has Seen Some Shit with me for days. She's probably got pages upon pages of blackmail, starting with my shit self-insert fanfiction. Regardless, Hels is my cis clonie who loves the villains who I love with all my heart, and I've always admired her confidence. She may be my evil clone, but fuck with her and you've gotta answer to me, damn it. If she doesn't destroy you first.
nov 23 2016 ∞
sep 24 2019 +