• Aquarius Rising Pros: sees life as an adventure, always changing and growing. wants to bring change and excitement into the world. sees things with original and unique thoughts, has an amazing and intellectual mind. has cute quirks. very hard to forget [ ]
      • Aquarius Rising Cons: inflexible and stubborn, wants everything done their way and the way they think is best. can be too future oriented, and forget to live in the present. can seem detached or uninterested, or can be hard to pin down and unpredictable [ ]
      • Fronts the Signs Put Up // Aquarius: Intimacy - Aquarians have a complicated relationship with society. They have a lot of friends and are very social but no matter how outgoing and intimate they may seem they are truly closed off. They want to be social and popular but at the same time they are afraid to grow close to another person, to open up and share their emotions. They fear that they will always be outside looking in yet they also fear what might happen if they truly let go. So they get as close as they can and hide their fear behind a mask. [ ]
      • What's Not to Love? // Aquarius Rising: You work so well with large groups of people and easily accept everyone around you as individuals and equals. You’re the outsider, but the way you waltz through life makes us want to join you on the outside. You can make literally anything work to your advantage in a way that we can’t help but respect and aspire towards. An advocate for the underdog, we know when the going gets tough, you get going! We all need someone to help us think differently to the rest and you’re the perfect person for the job. You’re curious and interested in others which makes you seem like the social butterfly we all want to tell our life story to. Idealistic, endearing, tolerant and logical. [ ]
apr 24 2018 ∞
jun 1 2018 +