The name's Aiden Rey. Call me by Rey. Do refrain from calling me by my previous aliases (only if you happened to know any of them). If you see me being called by Yayan, that's an exclusive nickname I allow for only a few people. 🤘🏻

  • Legal age (20+)
  • ENTP (Sakinorva test)/INFP (16personalities). Guess you have to find out which is more attributable.
  • Scorpio moon, sun, venus, and Capricorn rising if that matters.
  • Do address my pronouns here by he/they.
  • Tweets are usually in Bahasa (INA) but sometimes in English. Know a thing or two on the Korean language, have current interest in learning BISINDO (Indonesian sign language).
  • DM is always available but a bit of a slow replier.
  • Part of Wuwuk (my fam).
mar 10 2022 ∞
nov 10 2023 +