I am going to sit on the couch and randomly pick ten things in my sight and talk about whatever they bring to mind.

  • Old Blue suitcase- I found this and a few others working at a estate auction a few months ago. It now houses a fuckload of receipts that I have been collecting. I randomly go through the receipts and try to organise them into weeks and months, but since I rarely do this I end up with boxes or, you guessed it, suitcases full of them. one day I'll put a solid week aside and get All of them more organised.
  • Blue plastic tub- this thing is full of k'nex. I spent a few solid days up in the room just making patterns and objects out of them. I first went through and organised the into piles. this sort of sucked since I then tried to make things that used all the pieces of a certain type, which meant I wanted to keep things symmetrical. also K'nex are not that good for three dimensional objects.
  • Orange leather chair- one of an original two that are the first set I remember being in my grandparents TV room. The one I have was regulated into the rarely used living room and the other was sent to a repairman's place, never fixed, then lost.
  • Yellow Terry-cloth Robe- Gramps' old bathrobe that I took over. canary yellow it would be perfect to sow on some coffee cup patches a la fight club.
  • Nepalese Tiger rug- one of two I got in Kathmandu when I went there with my father a few years ago. the other one is still in the closet, bound up. I was going to give it to Tim as a present but since I am not talking to my mom I'll probably not see him soon. I'll just end up giving it away to someone else randomly
  • Carved Wooden Mask- About 2-2 1/2 feet long, it has arched, Vulcan-like eyebrows, closed eyes and a big pointed chin. two protrusions arch up from the temples into an abstracted horn shape. got it from my dad (I think)and have no idea where he got it from.
  • dice drinking game- took from a friends house, it has different actions/drinks/quantities on another. Ex: CHUG YOUR CHOICE and WHILE STANDING, or, DRINK ONE BEER and ON ONE LEG. simple and effective, wish I had remembered them for the new years party. oh well, rogues dice was fun, but Budweiser? damn.
  • Penis-Pokey book- Gift from my friend Jojo, it is a kids style cardboard book with a circular hole cut out in the middle, through the entire thing. As you turn the pages the hole is strategically placed so your penis is resting in a hot-dog bun, or being looked at by aliens. you get the picture
  • Stained-Glass Z- one of my oldest possessions, this was with me when I was in k-3 up in the rocky mountains in Jamestown, CO. made by my mom's friends Ed and Betty I remember this and others they made reflecting the sunlight in the mornings as cold air mingled with my warm breath
  • Russian painting print- Can't remember the artist or the Russian name of it, but pretty sure it was translated into something like 'visitors form across the ocean'. gotten in the tretakoff (sp?) gallery in Moscow, RU, it was one of many I have/had. the edges are all frayed because I rolled them up and stuck them in the top flap of my computer backpack, sleeping-roll style, not that you can tell with the frame its in. an awesome painting of vikings sailing parallel to the shore.
jan 8 2010 ∞
jan 8 2010 +