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Disorganized guy who likes this Listography idea.
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here is a list of some of the webcomics that have drained large chunks of time from my life. I usually go a few months to a year then binge on them (just did this for the last few days)

  • Sluggy Freelance Huge ass comic that will cause a sage-length beard to sprout last read
  • Something Positive Fucked. Up. Comic. Last Read
  • PVP not a gamer but geeks are geeks whatever they do last read
  • Suburban tribe never worked at an add agency, but still like the randomness last Read
  • Wapsi Square whats funnier than a short chick with big breasts that keeps three drunk chicks that are separated elements of an Armageddon beast. As well as the Aztec god of alcohol last read
  • Zebra Girl the main character, Jack the Plaid, a perky goth, a anthropomorphic bunny-drunk, a dufus werewolf..... last read
  • Questionable Content (Hipster coffee shop snarkyness. love the one liners and randomness that ensues.)
  • XKCD (simple line drawing witha bunch of mat and scienc jokes that go WAYYY over my head. stillpretty damn funny. don't forget to mouse over the pictures!
  • Freak Angels (beautifully made post-pocalyptic, steampunky comic)
  • Girl Genius [htp;//] (Just a damn good comic)
  • Men in Hats (simple art, bunch of characters, fucked up scripts)
  • Penny Arcade (a classic. Not sure about the jokes when they get really game specific but random violence aways makes a schadenfreudian punchline.)
  • Dresden Codak (nice comic with an anime feel. deals with higher rder philosopy that goes mostly over my head; had wikipedia things over a dozen times in a few comics. best one I can think of off-hand is the one where Schroedingers cat offends the Egyptian gods.
  • Order of the Stick (if you like roleplaying games, a I do, then you will freaking like this comic. simple-ish stick art and funny rule-mongering with a large dash of creative confusion due to different edition rules makes the inner geek go SQUEEE!
  • Last Blood - hardcore comic about vampires protecting the last human survivors of the zombie apocalypse so both species can survive.
  • Least I Could Do- fucking funny-ass comic about an amoral narcissist with a generous streak and habit to break the fourth-wall of the comic to grab props and costumes for great comediac effect. lots of one liners.
  • Dueling Analogs
  • extrlife
  • Perry biblefellowship
  • ScarygoRound
jan 1 2008 ∞
jul 19 2010 +