- Kayak in Jordan River
- Zip line down mountain
- Shabbat at Western Wall
- Eat at Druze Village
- Golan Heights
- Plateau from which you can see Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan
- Explore caves
- Sleep in a Bedouin Tent
- Gather entire village together and watch the World Cup on a giant projector screen
- Ride Camels at 5am
- Hike (about) 1000 vertical feet in ridiculously hot heat
- Hike Masada at approximately 4am
- wake up at 3 am to do this
- Swim in Dead Sea
- FUN FACT: the water is 40% salt, therefore, you cannot sink! (surreal experience)
- experience one of the worst pains of my life when the water got in my eyes (twice)
- Go spelunking
- Ben Yehuda Street
- get hit on by goofy Argentinians
- Walk through Zfat
- Go to Shook
- Swim in Mediterranean Sea
- Walk along the Med. Sea and see all the beautiful lit up hookah bars!
aug 12 2010 ∞
sep 11 2010 +