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  • had a nice room with a roommate for the first time
  • roommate turns out to be alcoholic, but nice
  • meet new friends down the hall
  • joined ACA
  • drank for the first time in october
  • went to virgin fest
  • start smoking cigs in december (have quit now)
  • start going to johns hopkins frats in second semester
  • become involved in unhealthy relationships
  • grades suck like hell
  • had a revelation middle of second semester, wanted to change majors
  • stuck with terrible classes still, and bomb the finals
  • met m. m. in march
  • realized my friends are all crazy, but too late, already signed up to be roommates
  • loved loyola for the first time because of m.m.
  • became PR for aca and had to do leadership retreat
may 5 2008 ∞
jan 2 2012 +