- technology is insanely more advanced than what is available in the states
- my aunt lives in an apt building that looks like a hotel
- the air here is incredibly fresher and cleaner to breathe in than in ny
- winter here is like an awesome cool day in the summer for the the u.s.
- whenever the wind blows, i can smell the ocean and it is intoxicating to me
- there are two 7-11's on every block
- you can buy EVERYTHING in them
- people go super fast on their motorcycles and do not stop for pedestrians
- Taiwan has AMAZING super high-tech toilets
- all appliances here including a freekin dish rack comes with a control board with options to do things you never imagined were possible
- the popular culture here is like a hyper-reality, there are so many things, clothes, products to buy here it can be overwhelming
- the young people here don't seem to mind, it's what controls their lives (it seems). after school lets out, kids go straight for the hang out spots, which is usually at a place to eat or shop. they are always tugging new purchases or eating something, ALWAYS
- young people here are always eating, there are many roadside stands and they usually sell fried things, yet everyone here is stick thin
- you can't eat, drink, or chew gum in their underground metro
- there are a lot of americans here and random american families touring (i assume) Taiwan
- sometimes, i want to kill my aunt's dog because he lies around the house moaning (cuz he's old, so i feel bad)
- her dog takes pee pees all around the house too
- it's only like 75 degrees here and people are wearing thick hats, scarves, and gloves
- the subway is so easy to take
- everyone is so fashionable, and you never see the same outfit twice
- all the females here own a pair of ass kicking boots
- i really want to kill my aunt's dog now
- i love that taiwan has its own distinct smell
- sometimes i feel like im at home because of all the americans walking around. many are here to teach english
- you can pay your bills at 7-11???
- the drinking age here is 18...very cool
- there are "female waiting zones" on subway platforms for late at night
- i love the sound of taiwanese spoken by the elderly
- i saw a man reading translated Twilight on the subway
- Every high school and junior high school have their own brightly colored school uniform. It is usually a jumpsuit
- the Taiwanese know how to PARTAY
- I feel like people here are more "global" than in the states
dec 23 2008 ∞
feb 8 2009 +