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<Some observations about people who live or work in my building, documented for writing purposes. I hope this won't make me sound like a crazy ass spy neighbor. I can't defend myself...Maybe 'documenting for writing purposes' is kind of spying. >

  • A Metalhead In The End Of The Hallway: Has nordic runes tattoed on his arm and oddly owns/walks two small pedigree dogs that would fit better a socialite. Once, in the elevator, I was talking to his dogs and he felt the need to point that they were his girlfriend's, as if he didn't like them, a blatant lie.
  • The Otaku Doorman: Usually on the night shift. Watches anime and listens to powermetal. Very friendly. Noticed I liked anime as well because I always tried to get a glimpse on what he was watching.
  • The Awful Lady/Crappy Neighbor: Hates us. Hates our dog. Talks absurdly loudly in the hallway. Once, lighted a very strong incense that gave me an alergy and then lied about it.
  • The Elegant Lady: An etiquette manual that walks the earth. Always very polite, nice and well-dressed. Sometimes puts me to think about the civilizing process.
  • The Guy Who Always Points When I'm Drinking Soda: Tries to play friend in a way that annoys me. When I'm drinking soda, points it. When I'm not, asks where's my soda. Calls me 'little lady' or something along the lines.
  • The Marijuana Musketeers: Three white upper middle class guys that dress as if they were rappers I often meet in the elevator. Sometimes they smoke so much weed the whole floor smells like Amsterdam. In Raphael's first encounter with this specimen he came by the door laughing so hard I thought it might be something wrong with him.
  • The So Nice It's Kind Of Weird Lady: Is often on the hall. Likes us. Said Raphael and I are very gentle unlike many people in the building and also said we are pretty. She said all those things to Mami when she came to visit and now Mami thinks we are loved.
  • The Left-wing Newsagent's Shop Owner: Works with his son. Is very nice to us. His football team is the same as Raphael's. Was once defending very passionately that Jean Wyllys was right when he spit in Bolsonaro's face because the guy is just a 'fascist asshole' and kicked a guy out of his newsagent's shop because the dude was happy about Dona Marisa Letícia's death. Awesome guy.
nov 18 2016 ∞
may 6 2017 +