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Not all who wander are looking for something either...though most my experience anyway. I'm looking for a lot of things, so I observe and list and review to double check and make sure I'm not skipping over anything I would really like to give more attention see what strikes me enough to list... to observe myself from a perspective farther removed than the intimacy of my own brain....

listography TERMS
  • Such a marvelous thing is snow, it piles and piles and drifts up, covering tracks and muting colors to rest the eyes and create a blank canvas on nature.
  • i had strange thing happen last night, I was in bed and dreaming of a screeching bird. the closer i got to waking up the more I began to realize how odd it was for a bird to be making such racket in the middle of the night in a snow storm. I finally asked Brandon what he herd, he thought it was Buddha. But it was a kitten, that distinct, whiny, call. I got up as I herd it circle the house to check and make sure it wasn't abandoned but the sound disappeared by the time I was in the front room. When I walked out I noticed that the front door was opened wide...
  • how odd, I went to bed quite afraid of something, though I'm not sure what. It was nice to have a strong body next to me.
oct 9 2009 ∞
oct 11 2009 +



  • Beside Myself


  • Contemplative
  • Completely Unrealistic


  • Distracted


  • Effervescent
  • Extroverted


  • Feirce
  • Fantastical


sep 1 2009 ∞
oct 4 2009 +
  • I walked out into the morning at 7am to find the world perfect
  • The sight of the world so clear on my short walk ...gently exact, not overbearing or intense. Just beautiful.
  • Dead birds...what does that mean?
  • Scrabble till 1 am. That was the best. So nice. So peaceful. Just what I wanted to do for the evening; enjoy a nice bottle of wine next to the fire with an enchanting soul and play word games.
  • A kiss, the carnal, gratifying experience of making love.
  • I enjoy the quiet of Sunday mornings.
  • Silversmithing
  • Blue People Oolong
  • Connor Oburst..."Now this room is on fire, since he painted it red...just like that soul singer in the session band, wept like a baby atop a white baby grand. We need every sandbag and every man, to save t...
oct 18 2009 ∞
oct 18 2009 +
  • Feeling Reckless...
  • Still Felling Reckless...
  • This is a bad sign...
  • Enriched
  • Clearly unclear I'm seeing things
sep 1 2009 ∞
oct 18 2009 +
  • A dryer snow fell last night, the usual wispy, blown about kind that wyoming is famous for.
  • Out to get Fire wood with DaddyDaddy this morning, whenever he shows up...
  • After that it is GWGG, a letter to Tara, an Art Buddy Packet to Taylor, more cheese, Kraut Buns, and endless amounts of Sigur Ros.
  • The boy toy is back in town and I am not entirely sure how I feel about that. I would love to have someone dear to me, which he is...but we don't connect as good friends. Perhaps that needs to happen. Not even perhaps...
  • I saw a raven purched in the Cottonwood tree outside my house yesterday when i went out yo work, it was perfectly framed in this hollow of branches and the moon was bright against the blue sky just up to the right, such a picture. I'll paint it o...
oct 8 2009 ∞
oct 10 2009 +