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Not all who wander are looking for something either...though most my experience anyway. I'm looking for a lot of things, so I observe and list and review to double check and make sure I'm not skipping over anything I would really like to give more attention see what strikes me enough to list... to observe myself from a perspective farther removed than the intimacy of my own brain....

  • Such a marvelous thing is snow, it piles and piles and drifts up, covering tracks and muting colors to rest the eyes and create a blank canvas on nature.
  • i had strange thing happen last night, I was in bed and dreaming of a screeching bird. the closer i got to waking up the more I began to realize how odd it was for a bird to be making such racket in the middle of the night in a snow storm. I finally asked Brandon what he herd, he thought it was Buddha. But it was a kitten, that distinct, whiny, call. I got up as I herd it circle the house to check and make sure it wasn't abandoned but the sound disappeared by the time I was in the front room. When I walked out I noticed that the front door was opened wide...
  • how odd, I went to bed quite afraid of something, though I'm not sure what. It was nice to have a strong body next to me.
  • Such signs are welcome but never cease to take me off guard.
  • Today is another day, the 11th of October. Last night Laura and Dustin came over and we looked through Welty pictures again, mostly Elane's journal and Steve's photo album. We were reading up on them in the Dubois Area History book and came across their anniversary, October 10th, 1970. Another very strange coincidence...
oct 9 2009 ∞
oct 11 2009 +