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"How could you?! Haven't you learned anything from that guy who gives those sermons at church? Captain WhatsHisName? We live in a society of laws! Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well, I didn't hear anybody laughing, did you? Except at that guy who made sound effects. Makes sound effects and laughs. Where was I? Oh, yeah! Stay out of my booze."

-Homer Si...

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I miss everything about you. Can't believe that I still want you. Well, I guess I just miss..

  • When you would come to school in your houseshoes & some tubesocks because you were too tired to walk around in gym shoes.
    • & during Geometry, I'd play footsies with you until one of your sandals slipped off & I'd walk around the classroom with it on. lmao.
  • Having burping contests with you.
  • Coming over to your house in the morning & sleeping in your bed until the afternoon.
  • Sitting front row at your track meets & screaming for you until my throat got sore.
  • Sitting on your lap.
  • Kissing you.
  • The waves in your hair.
jul 19 2010 ∞
jul 19 2010 +
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  • Air.
  • Bits of broccoli from between my teeth.


  • When to begin cleaning my room.
  • Whether or not I'll do my hair today.
  • Going back to bed.
  • What to wear to work tomorrow.
  • Whether or not I should call Fudgems back.
    • not likely.


  • Red & dark gray basketball shorts.
  • Pinacate Middle School gym shirt.
  • Pink chain with Hello Kitty & heart-shaped lock charm.
  • Rainbow kandi bracelet.


jul 11 2010 ∞
jul 11 2010 +
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Basically, I haven't been the world's biggest ball of sunshine lately. & this is just a list of the shit that's been bringing me down..

  • Tony.
    • Keeps calling from jail thinking that we're still together, when really? We haven't been a real couple since last year. All this time has just been wasted & I've got to tell him that I'm just not in love anymore , & it's over. For real, this time.
  • Jarvis.
    • Holy fuck, man. I miss everything about him. & you know, it just isn't fair how things can just change the way they did when we were so in sync & so in love & just so happy together. When we're apart, it feels like we're different people, when the fact of the matter is that he's the only one that knows me.
  • Everyone else.
    • That isn't him. Well, it's my fault. I'm ..._I'm hurting alot of people._ I'm leading them on so far, I think it'd be easier if I could just be... If that makes any sense..
jul 11 2010 ∞
jul 11 2010 +
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  • Water.


  • Taking a nap.
  • Grabbing Mama's laptop from her room.
  • What to wear to work tomorrow.
  • If I should get up early as fuck again.
    • nahhhh.
  • What new angle to take on my article.
  • Filing my nails.
  • Taking a nap.


  • My new favorite black pushup bra.
  • Black & lace spaghetti strap.
  • Black & white basketball shorts.
  • Giant diamond studs.


jul 19 2010 ∞
jul 19 2010 +