dear saturn,

i hope you like my presentation. it was twelve minutes long, but i cut it down a lot and tried to make it as short as possible. now it's about 7-8 minutes, depending how long it takes for me to say stuff. i'm so nervous. is it weird that i'm super excited to present but also dreading it completely? i hope you like it. i really really hope you like it. i worked so hard on it. i tried my best, like i really really really tried.

anyway, i'm really lonely. i want you to hold me and tell me everything's gonna be okay. i really just want you to love me. is that too much to ask? to be loved and held by someone? i feel so empty all the time, yet so full of a desire to be loved. i'm hollow. i'm a hollow girl filled with desires and wants that will never be fulfilled.

love, olivia

dec 14 2023 ∞
dec 14 2023 +