• That I married into such a nice, laid back, funny, loving family. They're not all unicorns and frosting, but they're pretty amazing and wonderful 99 percent of the time and they are definitely people I want to be around when times are rough or circumstances suck a little bit. I genuinely like my in-laws and I don't think very many people get to say that.
  • I'm grateful for the excitement of a book deal. It's just the butterflies feeling that something cool and good is going to happen and the hope that maybe I won't always be stuck in a beige cubicle listening to people passionately talk about insurance. I understand that we need insurance and people have to do jobs that involve providing that insurance, but I don't want to be in that elite group of people. So I'm very grateful that I have something to look forward to. Even if it doesn't end up panning out, the feeling right now is really fantastic (and EXCRUCIATING all at the same time)
  • I'm grateful that it's a gorgeous day out, even if I am stuck inside. There's something hopeful and buzzy about the first days of tolerable weather after a shitty Iowa winter. That doesn't mean that we won't get dumped on with a blizzard next week, but for now, the nice weather has everyone in a good mood.
  • I'm grateful that I love our new car. I've never felt so good about buying a car before! I don't mean that we got an amazing deal or anything (I think we did OK, but not great), but it's fun to drive and I feel good about its impact on the environment. And I get so elated when I'm coasting on the coveted 99.9 MPG!!
mar 5 2009 ∞
jun 2 2009 +