in which sakusa kiyoomi is raised to believe that gay people go to hell but then takes one look at miya atsumu and thinks, then why the hell did god make them so fucking hot?

i cried. i really hurt over sakusa :( their struggles too... there’s something about sakusa's experience that is so universal and so awful and i almost hate that it impacted me the way it did. god this is so beautifully written. kudos to the supporting characters too btw, i'm really glad that the fic carried meaningful messages about love, family, and self-acceptance

it starts with hinata natsu, of all people.

well, if atsumu’s being honest with himself, it started way before that, but he’s not, so that’s besides the point. and thankfully, he’s just petty enough to blame all of his problems on a thirteen year old girl.

or sakusa starts wearing hair clips and atsumu is more than a little obsessed

SERIOUSLY. TOO CUTE. one of my favs just bc 1) genius concept. i love sakusa with hair clips. 2) atsumu is sorta cute in this :( everyone is acutally... it's just. cute.

atsumu suddenly throws an arm across his face, saying, "god," followed by a disbelieving laugh that bubbles from his mouth. "i feel like i've cycled through so many emotions in the past couple of hours,"

sakusa quietly huffs a laugh of his own. "sorry," he says, though he finds that he's not really sorry at all.

vision blind atsumu is smth i can relate too... legally blind bitches ig!

miya atsumu gets a modeling contract with calvin klein, which sets kiyoomi's heart in motion.

(or: sakusa kiyoomi realizes that the rules governing the universe are absolute rubbish at explaining matters of the heart.)

prompt fill for “soulmate au where everyone has a counter of how many times they’ve passed by or seen their soulmate” + “an illness born from subjects of unrequited love in which the patient starts to cry colored tears similar to stars, and with them their ability to see colors will fade” | or even stars fall when they get tired and maybe that’s the reason why kiyoomi had started to cry them, too.

one of the most prettily written fics i've read. i'm also a sucker for soulmate aus, stars, and angst. all those three together? insatiable. it's also underrated? i discovered this one by chance, and i wish it was more well known :(

atsumu has a long history of pissing people off, but this time he’s gone too far. someone wants him dead, and although he doesn’t know who or why, it becomes clear very quickly that both he and osamu are in danger. after a couple of close calls, kita - the kumicho of inarizaki - decides it’s not safe for the two of them to stay in hyogo; not until he finds out who placed the hit and eliminates them.

atsumu reluctantly finds himself in tokyo, taken in by a yakuza group that’s nothing like inarizaki. the black jackals are a different breed, more lethal than he’s used to, and sakusa kiyoomi is the worst of them all. of course that’s who atsumu gets stuck with, and he and sakusa are in constant competition for who hates each other more.

tokyo should be a safe haven but between atsumu’s bloody new assignments, the lingering threat on his life, and all the days trapped with sakusa, atsumu isn’t sure he’ll make it out of tokyo alive.

yakuza au. suddenly i can see why this is The Sakuatsu fic everyone talks about. one thing i want to admire is the miya bond. brothers who would basically die for each other >>>. but the characterization in this fic is so well written in the plot too. fan fav and one of my favs. read this at like 5am and teared up at the end.

“sakusa, after your latest panel, fans want to know: are you a germaphobe?”

the whole team falls silent, unsure if that’s a safe topic to breach. he sees meian raise a hand, ready to interrupt, but that would be even more mortifying. he hates being patronized. just because he has a condition doesn’t mean he can’t function just as well, or even better, than others. it’s been a sticking point since childhood.

“yes,” kiyoomi answers bluntly. “but it’s just a symptom of my ocd.”

“whoa, what?” for once, atsumu is stumped.

this is the story of how two flawed people fall in love, and despite their rough edges, find their way to each other.

atsumu rushes out of the bathroom, almost face planting on the slippery tiles, and frantically dials his brother’s number.

the moment his twin picks up, he says,

“i think i have a crush on omi-kun.”

atsumu can hear samu rolling his eyes. “congratulations on yer gay awakenin’,” he drawls sarcastically and for once, atsumu doesn’t snap anything back at him because he’s still freaking out.

miya atsumu has never loved anything more than volleyball. he doesn't think he ever will. sakusa kiyoomi might just prove him wrong.

“i’m atsumu! what’s your name?”

the boy mumbled out an answer, and because his voice was muffled by his mask, all atsumu heard was “...omi.”


“kiyoomi,” the boy said in a much clearer voice.

but atsumu was already attached to the name. “omi-omi! let’s go!” shamelessly, he grabbed him by the hand and tugged him behind him. he felt responsible for him — the boy clearly needed all the protection and guidance he could get. atsumu can be his hero.


the story started when the sakusa family moved into their neighborhood in amagasaki when they were nine. atsumu would always remember that he saw kiyoomi first.

i felt really frustrated during this fic :( first, the twin drama was a mess. hurtful and sad. and :( oh omi... w the whole childhood friends to loves, im a sucker forthat. and i'm a sucker for happy endings no matter the angst involved.

volleyball players are known for a lot of things.

intense plays, long rallies, arm-breaking serves—those are to name a few. but in japan, the volleyball players (high school, college, and professionals alike) are infamous for something that no one really expected: their betting pool.

(or alternately, everyone finds out that one of the best spikers in japan, sakusa kiyoomi, is dating someone and they try to figure out his identity while the person he’s dating remains clueless about it.)

atsumu is a famous singer. sakusa is a bodyguard. they first meet when kita, concerned about the number of death threats atsumu has been receiving, hires sakusa for him.

naturally, it's hate at first sight.

the mystery athlete gives kiyoomi a once over in the mirror. “yer pretty tall,” he observes. the twang of an accent rasps low in his throat. his brazen eyes drift to kiyoomi’s legs, and something like exhilaration glints gold in his gaze. “good quads, too. ya ever played volleyball?”

ah. so it’s volleyball.

“i’m a dancer. ballet and contemporary, mostly.”

because atsumu is a demon reincarnated and probably has several lifetime's worth of karma to pay off, he realizes his feelings when hinata shoves his phone towards him of sakusa with his lashes very, very dark, smoothing on a pale pink lip balm.

or, sakusa models for a lip balm brand and atsumu can't stop thinking about the commercial

atsumu was a tornado he kept letting in — he comes, he destroys, and before kiyoomi could even register the damage, he was out the door.


in which sakusa kiyoomi and miya atsumu’s love story starts in high school, but of course they make a complicated mess of it for years. six, to be exact.

(sakuatsu ft. first kisses and first everything)

“i just got this job, i’m not givin’ it up for some moral boost ‘cause i actually need to pay my rent, ya insensitive -” atsumu waves his hands around, trying and failing to come up with the right word to convey the amount of injustice that this gaunt motherfucker has brought into his relatively simple life thus far.

“if you can’t pay your rent, go get a job at the mcdonald’s over by 8th street,” sakusa growls, “it’ll pay more than your researcher position.”

if you even attempt assault on a coworker, forget teaching about cells - you’ll fucking be in one, atsumu.

professor au. microbiologist atsumu haha i never knew i needed hiim in my life. i really liked this one :,) fair warning tho, this was updated before the hq fandom found out that kiyoomi and komori were cousins so... heads up <//3

he can't stop the accompanying ache in his chest, persistent and echoing and terrifyingly demanding, especially when sakusa decides to be cute. contrary to all expectations, this is almost always. it's fine, atsumu's mourned the loss of a normal cardiac rhythm about a hundred kisses ago.

in the face of an unexpectedly affectionate boyfriend, what’s an emotionally constipated person to do?

“what’s up with that awful expression?” atsumu asked. he leaned against the counter with his hip, looking directly at kiyoomi, his regular fox-line grin plastered on his face.

kiyoomi made eye-contact with him then, his eyebrows knotting in annoyance, but atsumu was too interested in the cute pair of beauty marks above kiyoomi’s eye to care about the glare that was sent his way.

“what’s up with that awful hair?” kiyoomi shot back.

and that was exactly when atsumu decided he liked the guy.

coffee shop au hehe

"i'm askin' for a favor," he flashes sakusa a carefree smile, "i was wonderin' if you'd be my fake boyfriend for the year? or at least until i can get a one up on sumu."

sakusa immediately recoils, shuffling away from him.

in which sakusa doesn't know why he agreed to this but slowly falls for atsumu

"to all the boys i've loved before AU." i really enjoyed this one tbh :( struggles abt facing and deciding ur future are also highlighted in this fic and it only makes it more realistic.

"tsumu...i don’t know if what i’m doing is right. but i need out of here.”

“out of — out of the team? out of osaka?” atsumu looked scared now.

“out of this, here...away from you. tsumu, i don’t think i want this anymore.”


after almost three years together, miya atsumu and sakusa kiyoomi's relationship falls apart. but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the end.

ouch. this one stung a bit ngl.

the msby black jackals were vacationing on an island when lockdown measures were put in place due to a pandemic. while the rest of their teammates managed to get on the last flight back to japan, kiyoomi and atsumu didn't make it.

to be stuck in close quarters with your enemy-slash-teammate in a foreign country for an indefinite period of shouldn’t be too bad, right?

(or: due to an unfortunate series of events, kiyoomi and atsumu get stuck on an island together. for seven months.)

THIS FINALLY FINISHED AND I RUSHED TO READ IT. truly an adventure. also one of my personal favorites because of the filipino culture in the fic. i felt really giddy reading one of my favorite ships interact with what i grew up with. their relationship throughout the fic is so heartfelt.

"your partner doesn't need to hold anyone's hand other than yours," sakusa's father crouches, "and you can wear gloves."

sakusa ponders. he hears the other skaters of rink two whiz past as they launch themselves into lifts.

"alright," he looks up from the ice, not knowing how he'll dedicate the next couple of decades to this sport, this partnership, this boy.

figure skating au.

dec 21 2020 ∞
jan 25 2021 +