• College days- Travelled on a bus to a new city. Hours away. Never been there. Randomly went. Found classes, near the woods.
  • Traveled to another state (PNW to TX) as a child (around 10 yrs old) on my own. (parents sent me to meet relatives) .
  • That one day I left the house/ walked away from toxic family
  • Went to the DMV numerous times in a short span (the anxiety!) New ID.
  • Got a new SS card (due to misspelled name)
  • Renewed my USA passport
  • Got my birth certificate amended ( due to misspelled name)
  • Started a power walk routine near home (3.8 miles, 3-4 days every week).
  • I work out more in general (dumbbells, cardio) (2-4 times a week)
  • Gained massive awareness abilities. Due to abuse/pain.
oct 10 2022 ∞
jan 24 2023 +