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19. A virgo, a vegan, and a californian with a very short term memory! I have created all these lists to help me maintain better awareness of my life and all it's various elements.

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  • My lovely office desk flowers. They are my favorite colors, blue and yellow. And it is lovely.
  • Not having my car stolen when I accidentally left the keys in the door, and avoiding a major panic attack.
  • My stress-free low-intensity job.
  • Not clogging the toilet at a friend's house when there was no plunger. And avoiding another major panic attack.
  • Making $12 an hour.
  • Working, and enjoying work profoundly.
  • Working in an empowering all-female environment.
  • Being able to see the harmful flaws in my behavior and thinking and transforming them; the ability to change, grow and heal.
  • My writing, my stories; giving me the empathy for feelings and situations I have never and may never actually experience.
  • Having no family, as opposed to one poisonous, toxic, chaotic family where nobody actually cares about each other.
  • My auntie Trisha and my little cousins Andrea and Ariana, being there for me when the rest of my family otherwise wouldn't be.
  • Vegan sausage.
jun 30 2014 ∞
jul 1 2014 +