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19. A virgo, a vegan, and a californian with a very short term memory! I have created all these lists to help me maintain better awareness of my life and all it's various elements.

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I have created this list to compare the nature of the romance that I, a Virgo, experience with each individual zodiac sign.

  • Aries - Fiery and all-important, I can't help but feel marketed and accessorized by this egomaniacal sign. Their agenda is prioritized directly by the benefit and growth of their own image. I can't help but find this way of living unsubstantial and potentially unhelpful to the life force of a relationship meant to be loving and considerate. Furthermore, the quick temper of this fire sign is an immediate repulsion.
  • Taurus - A gentle giant, Taurus is fixed and steadfast, bordering on stagnant in my purely anecdotal experience - especially the males. Their shell is one made of rock and boulder and it is not to be trifled with, incompatible with my desire for unlimited expression; an open heart and an open mouth. This earth sign may do nothing except hinder my own emotional growth, which came from a harsh state of repression to begin with.
  • Gemini - Flighty. Impulsive. Flirty. At first seeming like the perfect match, my experiences with the Twins is quickly soiled once I observe their non committal heart (made most popular by the females) and their only temporary fuel tank of consideration. I have come to avoid Geminis in a relationship, despite never having been in one with the air sign in the first place. Immediate turn off.
  • Cancer - A very exciting potential, not yet fully discovered. My experience with Cancers of either gender has been deplorably limited. From extensive reading, I have come to very much anticipate the breaching of the Crab's hard shel. Plunging past the obligatory and awkward first impression of two feminine, introverted signs meeting cute will be the greatest challenge, since both the typical Virgos and Cancers share a lusty eye for much louder, prouder, bolder mover-shaker peoples. However the incredibly nurturing, soft-souled, emotionally flooded nature of the Cancer male can't help but become a wild fixation to me. Commitment, responsibility, and consideration become a potential priority in this coupling, and damn right I support it.
  • Leo - Smug. Superior. Confident. Ambitious, when healthy. Also monogamous, generous, caring (when healthy), and upholding of personal virtues. A golden child, seemingly, and also a class clown. A king and a jester. But how does he fare with the sparkling femininity and docile nature of the Virgo woman? Apparently it is all too easy to turn this girl into a house wife, instead of the queen she deserves to be. Virgo is looking to be this King's equal, and whether or not this golden child has learned to share will be the make-or-break lesson he'll need to have overcome in this relationship. Virgo does not like being treated as if she was ordered from a catalogue, and may vanish in a surprising amount of seconds if he imposes his ideals on her mind or body. As for Leo woman having a chance with her, think again. A haughty huntress aiming a "divide and conquer" mentality at Virgo's heart (and legs) won't have much success. Humility, honesty, and compassion are the key traits Virgo will be secretly longing for in this sign.
  • Virgo - Virgo's not-so-alike twin. Although this sign is also yet to be discovered romantically, it cannot be said that the males are much at all like the females. Cool, disaffected, clinical, and silently judging is the male Virgin. With a dark Martyr Cain side, accompanied by an equally morbid Hephaestus fixation on molding their partners in the shape of their own standards as if they were Pandora, I can't help but feel wary at first at the suggestion of romance. But there is intrigue there. A compassionate servicing gene, and a wholesome sense of commitment and ambition is delightful to consider. Perhaps love could be found. However repressed, internalized feelings (signature of earth signs) will not be tolerated. Emotional nakedness is mandatory. But will the Virgo male be brave enough to let his feelings out, instead of pressure-cooking them within? Virgo males can be awfully inhibited and rigid, shy being an understatement. The initiative, it seems, will always have to be taken by a second party when breaching the fine crystal walls of this Virgin. But even then, Virgos can suffer under their own paranoia of awkwardness. Self-consciousness is their grandest downfall. Letting go, lightening up, and going with the flow is the best solution for them. Hopefully, if he can find in him a way to allow it, the dam will collapse, and healthy, yet shadowed feelings will be aired out and given in the manner of all beautiful, loving romances.
  • Libra - The males; so sweetly magnetic and serene. The females; disturbingly prophetic, with hell occasionally on their wheels. Chances of a happy relationship with this sign doubles with the males than with the females, who as of now stand at a point 1% potentiality. Their off-the-wall ideals, accompanied by their boomerang chameleon reflex to hide with a crowd, is just too off-putting! Their philosophies would be astounding, if they only they stood on more solid, less cold feet. Faking it till you make it is a way of life with this sign, and I have no patience for chameleons. The males, however, seem to manage their spine-bending skills so well that it becomes easy not to notice that their isn't much spine there to begin with. Once their identity has been established and they have become confident enough to withstand peer pressure however, they offer nothing but benefits. Docile and one with the flow, The Scales man is quietly observant and very considerate - not to mention he has a real penchant for bringing peace and fairness to the world (a gender neutral trait of the libra), which could perhaps count as a compassionate effort. Perhaps the Libra could bring me hope that air signs aren't as aggravating as they always seem to be. However it cannot be said that there is anything besides mildness in this pairing for me.
  • Scorpio - What dread. What ill will. Oh, the vanity. The facetiousness. The smug, all-knowing exterior. The darkness that accompanies it, like a fake fangs on this sign's overall halloween costume personality. Amplify that by the overbearing PING! magnet of their soul that brings all the boys and girls to the yard - a sound which merely gives me tinnitus, but nonetheless has an entire room fawning and worshipping this sign as if they arrived straight out of God's glory hole today. It's nauseating. I can't take it. I make my escape at their entrance - but then, there, what's that? That look of...sincerity, in their eyes? And what's that? A gesture of good will? A caring deed? Somehow done curtly, efficiently, business-like in manner but compassionate in will - and their will is strong. A fixed determination. A deeply analytical pruning of mind and body, done not just to themselves but also to others they love (and boy, do they love themselves). And there, at the heart of the scorpion, is a cold fire pulse to protect, to possess - if not to abduct away a soul entirely. The Scorpio star offers me a groaningly "bad apple" shell, but with not-so-deep digging, there is a fine chance of having a well-groomed, well loved, and ever-growing relationship. Of course, that's as long as I remember to use the shovel for digging and not contusions.
  • Sagittarius - The Archer! The freedom loving hero, questing for truth and knowledge, and the skittish Horse. The superstitious, flighty Pegasus. The males, on one hand, can be inspiring, hilarious, and bold...and then distant, closed, and dismissive. The females share all of these traits, but exhibit a gleeful exuberance and emotional openness. Every day is Show and Tell with these girls. At times however, this can turn into forgetfulness, restlessness, and impatience, verging on manic energy. Not only that, but the Archer's optimism can border on delusional when they lack healthiness. Instead of seeing their target clearly and rationally, they simply deepen the tint on their rosy glasses, making it hard to logically penetrate the horse. They become skittish, and evasive of their problems. But at the heart of the a romance with the grown-up Virgin, there's only thing that's the true deal-breaker here: Commitment. Issues. A break in an otherwise fully operable pipe - but where does this crack lead to? Irresponsibility. More evasiveness of their problems. And then haughty, defensive behavior about their avoidance. Denial. Child-like tantrums. Confrontational, hot-tempered attitudes, paradoxing their typical fight-or-flight response. You can bet money on this runaway horse and win every time. The quick habit to cut loose anyone with an identifiable flaw that would trigger any spooky memories or feelings they have is also a sure trait, and before you know it, this rare gem could be in and out of your life with the bat of a lash - making one feel as if the horse had just hit-it-and-quit-it with them. And don't doubt for a second that the Archer is above doing just that; Sagittarians have a

Although one would be surprised to .

Sagittarius women make the best of friends, but anything further would be chaos. As for the studs, much maturation will have to be achieved before one could settle down, much less with a Virgo like me.

  • Capricorns - No more. Never again. The sea goat bears two extremes for each gender. The females, wild feminists of strong moral grounding, can be an excellent match! Realistic, responsible, and Saturnine enough to impress me, she-goats are awesome to behold, especially since they fall hard and fast for someone true, and tend hold tight to them as long as they have them. Commitment is never an issue with these girls. However, on the other end of the spectrum - the very, very, very end, where all joy has thinned out - we have the sad, lonesome Capricorn boy. Always with a tale of woe, the boy-goat exhibits no drive, no resolve, and no hope. Don't look for commitment here, or ambition. Male caps aren't so much into walking the walk as they are talking the talk - and boy, will they talk. The best direction for me to take when meeting the males of this sign is the opposite one.
  • Aquarius - Not much to say about the females, but from what I've learned from air signs and Aquarius males alike, the water-bearer is not a sign that is easily tolerated. In fact they are the sign to have put me on edge about the air elemental in the first place! Aloof, inconsiderate, idealistic yet irrelevant, and usually substance a users to just about anything, Aquarians take the road less traveled without their ancestral Libran chameleon qualities to hide their abstract thoughts and will. Instead of disguising themselves to "fit in", the water bearer either owns his role as a social outcast with the mindset that it only proves his own self-made prophecy of being "different" and "unique" from the rest of society (alienating himself as his own messiah); or, he simply takes out his lonesome frustration of feeling like an outcast with deadly vices - and don't ever underestimate him to use just one. Anything he can get his hands on, no matter how odd, he'll use. And don't expect him to be ashamed about it either. Aquarians are quick to judge other peoples slutty, druggie, or otherwise sinful lifestyles; a gender neutral trait. Thank the outcast-messiah complex for that. No, the Aquarius is not the type for me. Potentiality is small, if not at all here.
  • Pisces - Saved the best for last. The two headed fish. Jesus Christ. Virgo's complementary sign, or opposite. The curiosity I have for this sign has never really gone away, but who isn't curious about the elusive fish? The women, typically seemingly uncatchable, hold an alluring twinkle in their eyes, always beckoning further investigation, and the males, well. They come in all different shapes and sizes, really. In my experience, they can either be wonderful partners, or terrible. At worst, aloof, distant, and strangerly. At best, eager, loving, and attentive - although not necessarily considerate. Pisces men can ask seemingly thoughtful questions about you, yet somehow are unable to retain the answer. Where does their mind go? Pisces are more interested in the fantasy of a romance than the love within it itself. In fact the emotions of the fish seem rather inhibited, with their inherent shyness and tendency to joke off serious questions and hide behind social masks. This makes them appear more like an air sign most times. It must be said that their watery element seems centered more in the mind than in the heart; their endless dreaming bears all the intensity of emotions, and if a partner could somehow twist those fantasies into feelings, they may yet ensnare the slippery fish. It seems a Pisces must be manipulated into thinking that what was a suggestion was actually his/her own idea in the first place; only then are they wholly convinced. Romantically, this becomes a bit of a mind game, with no real guaranteed results. Furthermore, they do lead interesting lives normally, going wherever the wind blows them and taking their natural good luck charms with them, but this doesn't mean they're at all responsible. In fact fish can be incredibly irresponsible, procrastinating, and unorganized. Not only that, but a spineless fish lacking strength of will becomes completely and dishearteningly uxorious to his woman - a clingy hubby with no drive or strength of his own. Like Cancer, Pisces may subconsciously treat his partner as a treasured mother, their love becoming a cool womb for him to rest his sleepy soul in and let his spirit dream on. And on. And on (they can drone on and on for hours if you let them, much like Jesus talking to the masses). This won't do. Although their fascinating imaginations and dreams are captivating, a partnership with a Pisces may lack true presence, since they are always in the clouds, and are more likely to fall in love with the idea of a person instead of that actual person. And then one day, out of the blue, they may just disappear - vanished! It may seem spontaneous, but in reality (or un-reality, rather) the fish may have been fading away for a long time before his actual departure; drifting away with the current. This makes him quite a strangerly partner, with much of his emotions and thoughts left to be discovered intuitively - or plain ol' psychics. Distant, and again, aloof, and presence and emotional nakedness is needed for me. I must know that my partner is thinking of me. Perhaps a Pisces coworker will do in the creative field, but as a life partner this may not be what I am searching for.

From what I have learned thus far, a better knowledge of the female side of the zodiac is needed. But as for the males, Cancer, Virgo, Leo, and Scorpio (tolerable ones) maintain the lead in potentiality scores.

The search continues.

jul 4 2014 ∞
jul 8 2014 +