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19. A virgo, a vegan, and a californian with a very short term memory! I have created all these lists to help me maintain better awareness of my life and all it's various elements.

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  • Live the life you've been given.
  • Stop judging others. "When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” - Wayne Dyer.
  • Trust yourself and your decisions.
  • Do what you say.
  • Always do what YOU decide.
  • Do what you want, not what other people want.
  • Embrace your feelings, including anger.
  • Don't repress any feelings - including anger!! Express it. If you don't, you'll never heal.
  • Let your own problems consume you, not other people's.
  • Don't let your problems consume you.
  • Detachment does not mean you don't care. It means you're making room for yourself, not just them.
  • Let it go. You don't have to take things so seriously. Living in a sea of anxiety only helps you drown. Lighten up.
  • Other peoples behavior, thoughts or opinions are not reflections or comparisons of your own self worth.
  • Rejection is not a reflection of self worth. You are still real. You are still worth every bit as much as you did before, with or without rejection.
  • Don't give other people power over you.
jun 30 2014 ∞
aug 27 2014 +