- Swimming in the sea.
- Going to the beach, listening to the water. Being around water.
- Intense meditation.
- Yoga. Hot yoga.
- Mumford and Sons (banjo icon for list?)
- Blessing your water.
- Traveling far and visiting heart spots like Mendocino.
- Going to art walks, immersing yourself in culture, art and entertainment.
- Making music! Playing piano.
- Going to the theatre.
- Dancing.
- Sunsets (sunset icon for list?)
- Writing!
- Church. No need to be religious, sitting under a grand cathedral is good enough.
- Reading empowering self help books (Secrets and Mysteries: The Glory and Pleasure of Being a Woman by Denise Lynn, Codependent No More by Melody Beattie). Especially if they focus on empowering women, or if they're written by empowered female authors.
- Watch empowering womanly movies!
jul 2 2014 ∞
jul 5 2014 +