Note - On a small scale we can do little, but all of our actions will add up. Generally people create 1-2 tonnes of waste every YEAR. And have a carbon footprint higher than the Paris agreement (which is a minimal level in which we can do to save our earth) If you want to first figure out your own footprint, there are many different tests online, such as the WWF one:

All the suggestions below are a direct path to reducing your Ecological Footprint and addressing climate change.

--------------------------------------- FOOD ---------------------------------------


  • It's very important to cut down on meat consumption, especially beef, lamb, and dairy. It would be best to cut these out entirely from a diet, or have them very rarely.
  • The best meats to eat are usually game like Bison, Venison, or moose. And even better is chicken and eggs.
  • It's generally regarded a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle is best when lowering your environmental impact.
  • (source:
  • Try buy your food organic where you can.
  • GROW YOUR OWN! It is incredibly cheap and easy. And the best thing you can do in terms of food. There are ways to grow your own produce even in an apartment. If you have spare garden, spend time researching what you want to grow and how to. It's also a fun hobby to get into. (Another great option is to plant some flowers that bees love!)


  • Little over 30% of the food purchased in the UK is thrown away, and can cost each household hundreds of pounds. It's not only good practice for frugality to not waste any of you food, but is also best for the environment.
  • If you have food waste, it is a great idea to compost this to help fertalise your land/garden. Even things like shredded paper can join in your composting! (Just no plastics, and certain waste)


  • Try to buy local unpacked fresh food. This means it's traveled less, and you don't need to recycle what it's been packed in (if you even can!).

--------------------------------------- ENERGY ---------------------------------------


  • Where you can walk or cycle to you destination.
  • Take the bus or train over a car journey once a month or even week. And if you have to use the car try carpool.
  • There a many Electric cars on the market, and they're becoming more accessible and normalized. If you can make the big investment it is worth it.
  • Fly less where possible.


  • Use renewable energy. Buy a solar panel for your roof. If you live remotely there are other methods available to you also, like hydro power and wind turbines. Please look into the many options available and invest into these. They will generally save you money in the long run.
  • Even if you can't install these things, you can still be a part of the clean-energy economy. Search online for local renewable energy co-ops to join.
  • Use energy efficient light bulbs, turn off appliances after use, use heating minimally, invest in double glazing, install insulation, hang dry clothing when you can, wash in warm not hot water,

--------------------------------------- GOODS ---------------------------------------

  • It's all about Sharing, making, fixing, up-cycling, re-purposing. If you want to buy a new product, see if your needs can be met by doing those options first.
  • Buy new as little as possible. Buy second hand from charity shops, thrift shops, friends, online shops (e.g. Ebay). This means you can avoid all the labor and emissions a product comes with when buying new.
  • Fast Fashion is very damaging to our environment and society. Happiness doesn't equal more goods, but we are increasingly conditioned that it does. Clothes are being made faster, cheaper and of poorer quality to keep up with the demand. And as these cheap, poor quality clothes fall apart and out date so easily, we discard quicker and quicker, forming literal mountains of waste clothing that nobody wants and nobody knows what to do with. Not only that but cotton clothing actually creates methane when in landfill, and synthetic materials are much like plastic and don't biodegrade. The chemicals put into these clothing's then seep into the soil and water below.


  • If you want to buy new, get from local businesses with ethical and sustainable practices.


  • Buy a glass or metal straw and take it with you if you require a straw. Say NO to harmful plastics. Luckily more and more places are using paper straws, which are fine.
  • Buy a reusable hot drink cup if you frequently buy hot drinks. You will save a lot of non degradable plastics being sent to landfill or sea.
  • There are many options for women to buy reusable products for their period. These can include menstrual cups, specifically designed underwear, and cotton fabric pads.
  • Use reusable nappies.
  • Say NO to plastic bags. Reuse old plastic bags, use a canvas bag, fruit bags, mesh bags, netted bags, backpack, general shopping bags, etc.
  • Say NO to single use plastic water bottles. Buy a reusable glass, metal or plastic one.
  • Buy beeswax wraps instead of clingfilm/plastic wrap

--------------------------------------- RECYCLING ---------------------------------------

  • Not everything can be recycled, please check your local recycling and also the packaging, and don't buy something you cannot recycle.
  • Have multiple bins for different types of recycling. This can include: Papers, plastics, glass, tin cans/aluminum.
  • Not all plastics can be recycled, say no to non recyclable plastics that will end up in landfill or our oceans.
  • Green food waste can be be composted to re-nourish the earth. Don't use human, cat, or dog feces or meat leftovers/bones, as these can breed harmful chemicals you don't want in you soil and growing areas.
  • Some clothing can be recycled, but if not donate it to friends/family, charity shops and thrift shops. You can also sell your second hand clothing online, and let it be reused.

--------------------------------------- VOTING & COUNCIL ---------------------------------------

  • Visit your city’s website and challenge your city leaders to support sustainability policies.
  • Vote for electives that plan to help the environment.
  • Join in with local activism, and promote social action. Many things are happening across the globe in efforts to show their governments they do care. The more traction campaigns get, the more governments are pressured to do something. For example, there has been thousands of school children in the UK taking part in climate strikes recently. (Source:
  • If you have a local community garden/allotment apply to join it, grow your own food/crops and help others do the same!
  • Tell your story and listen to others.

--------------------------------------- POPULATION ---------------------------------------

  • Choosing the size of your family can help with our long term footprint. A smaller population makes the control of climate change easier.
  • Support women’s rights and access to family planning, so we can educate, keep family sizes smaller, and prevent unwanted pregnancies.
apr 21 2019 ∞
apr 21 2019 +