brusk (brŭsk) marked by rude or peremptory shortness

titter (tit·ter) give a short, half-suppressed laugh; giggle.

nictate (nik· tāt) briefly shut the eyes

saturnalia (satərˈnālyə) an occasion of wild revelry

gibe (jīb) an aggressive remark targeted at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect

frisson (frēˈsôn) an almost pleasurable sensation of fright

catoptric tristesse the sadness that you’ll never really know what other people think of you, whether good, bad or if at all—that although we reflect on each other with the sharpness of a mirror, the true picture of how we’re coming off somehow reaches us softened and distorted, as if each mirror was preoccupied with twisting around, desperately trying to look itself in the eye

jouska the sadness that you’ll never really know what other people think of you, whether good, bad or if at all—that although ...

jul 3 2018 ∞
dec 24 2020 +