• I am grateful for cooking that turns out well! the zucchini and cheese dish was great! the banana bread was meh, but i fixed it with sugar free frosting, so in the end it was great!
  • I am grateful for my dad because he taste-tests my creations.
  • I am grateful for watching movies downstairs.
  • I am grateful for Nicole and Amy for wanting to be in my company. I don't feel up to socializing tonight, but if I did, I would have a great time with those girls!
  • I am grateful for Pinterest for organizing my recipes.
  • I am grateful for times when I exercise self-control with food. I am so proud that I can be disciplined. It makes me think the get fit/lose weight goal is possible.
  • I am grateful for the internet for keeping me company.
  • I am grateful for tv and movies for keeping me sane when I am not feeling good about myself. Escapist entertainment. It helps me escape, but it gives me enough relief so that when I do focus on my life, I feel motivated.
  • I am grateful for tumblr for introducing me to Dan Feuerriegel and his adorable and sexy character Agron. Yeah, yeah, Spartacus is leading the slave rebellion against Glaber, that's cool...but I would like to know more about his second in command, Agron! The not always nice, but lovable German who loves Nasir! LOVE. ABSOLUTE LOVE FOR HIM.
  • I am grateful for watch32 and ch131 for giving me a chance to watch movies without having to download or pay money in the theaters.
  • I am grateful for water for being delicious...even though it is not supposed to have a flavor.
  • I am grateful for my home. the comfort of home.
  • I am grateful for ...stuff...
  • haha I am out of ideas.
mar 10 2012 ∞
mar 13 2012 +