• type four, the individualist.
    • fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. they are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. they typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity. at their best: inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences.
    • basic fear: that they have no identity or personal significance.
    • basic desire: to find themselves and their significance.
    • key motivations: want to express themselves and their individuality, to create and surround themselves with beauty, to maintain certain moods and feelings, to withdraw to protect their self-image, to take care of emotional needs before attending to anything else, to attract a "rescuer."
  • wing five, the investigator.
    • fives are alert, insightful, and curious. they are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. they become detached, yet high-strung and intense. they typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation. at their best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way.
    • basic fear: being useless, helpless, or incapable.
    • basic desire: to be capable and competent.
    • key motivations: want to possess knowledge, to understand the environment, to have everything figured out as a way of defending the self from threats from the environment.
aug 16 2015 ∞
jan 1 2019 +