- friends
- family
- hugs
- people showing they care about me
- comedy
- the Comedy Store Players
- books
- Doctor Who
- really good TV/films
- Friday night comedy podcasts from BBC
- new episode of a favourite TV show
- buying pretty things
- buying cosmetics
- fantastically tasty comfort food
- a beautiful view
- walking somewhere beautiful
- cuddling cute furry animals
- listening to the rain on the window
- the fun kind of drunkeness and the best kind of music to dance to, when they combine perfectly
- the way the world smells when it's just been raining
- looking forward to Christmas
- singing
- walking along the South Bank at night
- the moment when the lights go down, Frontier Psychiatrist starts and the show is about to begin at the comedy store
- the kind of long conversations where you talk about stuff that really matters and feel closer to the person you're talking to afterwards
- fairy lights
- a comfy, snuggly bed
dec 15 2011 ∞
dec 15 2011 +