3 mile run (7:05-7:35) Denise Austin Abs (7:50-8:00) Jennifer Aniston Abs (9:00-9:10)
1/2 c of oatmeal - 1403/4 c of strawberries - 501 med. banana - 901 c of almond milk - 30 Total: 310
1 c of Fiber 1 cereal - 120
2 wheat wraps - 1802 tablespoons of pb - 1901 small apple - 50 Carrots - 302 tablespoons of hummus - 80 Total: 530
Sweet Potato - 1051 veggie patty with mustard - 75 Tomato - 25 Salad - 30 Red pepper - 20 Total: 255
1 small apple - 40 Chai tea with almond milk - 170 Total:210