warmgun's listography
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(Italian film directors)
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(tv in 2017)
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x10 -
captain latvia
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x11 -
the fugitive, part 1
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x12 -
the fugitive, part 2
jane the virgin - 3x08 -
chapter fifty-two
the flash - 3x10 -
borrowing problems from the future
how to get away with murder - 3x10 -
we're bad people
making a murderer - 1x01 -
eighteen years lost
jane the virgin - 3x09 -
chapter fifty-three
making a murderer - 1x02 -
turning the tables
making a murderer - 1x03 -
plight of the accused
the 100 - 4x01 -
the flash - 3x11 -
dead or alive
making a murderer - 1x04 -
making a murderer - 1x05 -
the last person to see teresa alive
making a murderer - 1x06 -
testing the evidence
making a murderer - 1x07 -
framing defense
making a murderer - 1x08 -
the great burden
making a murderer - 1x09 -
lack of humility
making a murderer - 1x10 -
fighting for their lives
how to get away with murder - 3x11 -
not everything's about annalise
jane the virgin - 3x10 -
chapter fifty-four
the 100 - 4x02 -
heavy lies the crown
the flash - 3x12 -
how to get away with murder - 3x12 -
go cry somewhere else
jane the virgin - 3x11 -
chapter fifty-five
the 100 - 4x03 -
the four horsemen
how to get away with murder - 3x13 -
it's war
big little lies - 1x01 -
somebody's dead
jane the virgin - 3x12 -
chapter fifty-six
the flash - 3x13 -
attack on gorilla city
the 100 - 4x04 -
a lie guarded
how to get away with murder - 3x13 -
he made a terrible mistake
how to get away with murder - 3x14 -
big little lies - 1x02 -
serious mothering
jane the virgin - 3x13 -
chapter fifty-seven
the 100 - 4x05 -
the tinder box
big little lies - 1x03 -
living the dream
the flash - 3x14 -
attack on central city
big little lies - 1x04 -
push comes to shove
the flash - 3x15 -
the wrath of savitar
the flash - 3x16 -
into the speedforce
big little lies - 1x05 -
once bitten
jane the virgin - 3x14 -
chapter fifty-eight
the 100 - 4x06 -
we will rise
the 100 - 4x07 -
gimme shelter
the flash - 3x17 -
big little lies - 1x06 -
burning love
jane the virgin - 3x15 -
chapter fifty-nine
the 100 - 4x08 -
god complex
the flash - 3x18 -
abra kadabra
big little lies - 1x07 -
you get what you need
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x13 -
the audit
american crime story - 1x01 -
from the ashes to tragedy
american crime story - 1x02 -
the run of his life
american crime story - 1x03 -
the dream team
american crime story - 1x04 -
100% not guilty
american crime story - 1x05 -
the race card
american crime story - 1x06 -
marcia, marcia, marcia
american crime story - 1x07 -
conspiracy theories
american crime story - 1x08 -
a jury in jail
american crime story - 1x09 -
manna from heaven
american crime story - 1x10 -
the verdict
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x14 -
serve & protect
atlanta - 1x01 -
the big bang
atlanta - 1x02 -
streets on lock
atlanta - 1x03 -
go for broke
jane the virgin - 3x16 -
chapter sixty
the flash - 3x19 -
the once and future flash
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x15 -
the last ride
the 100 - 4x09 -
atlanta - 1x04 -
the streisand effect
atlanta - 1x05 -
nobody beats the biebs
atlanta - 1x06 -
atlanta - 1x07 -
atlanta - 1x08 -
the club
atlanta - 1x09 -
atlanta - 1x10 -
the jacket
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x16 -
moo moo
jane the virgin - 3x17 -
chapter sixty-one
the flash - 3x20 -
i know who you are
the 100 - 4x10 -
die all, die merrily
dear white people - 1x01 -
chapter i
dear white people - 1x02 -
chapter ii
dear white people - 1x03 -
chapter iii
jane the virgin - 3x18 -
chapter sixty-two
dear white people - 1x04 -
chapter iv
dear white people - 1x05 -
chapter v
dear white people - 1x06 -
chapter vi
dear white people - 1x07 -
chapter vii
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x17 -
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x18 -
chasing amy
the 100 - 4x11 -
the other side
dear white people - 1x08 -
chapter viii
the flash - 3x21 -
cause and effect
dear white people - 1x09 -
chapter ix
dear white people - 1x10 -
chapter x
jane the virgin - 3x19 -
chapter sixty-three
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x19 -
your honor
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x20 -
the slaughterhouse
the flash - 3x22 -
infantino street
the 100 - 4x12 -
the chosen
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x21 -
the bank job
brooklyn nine-nine - 4x22 -
crime and punishment
jane the virgin - 3x20 -
chapter sixty-four
the flash - 3x23 -
finish line
the 100 - 4x13 -
game of thrones - 7x01 -
game of thrones - 7x02 -
the handmaid's tale - 1x01 -
the handmaid's tale - 1x02 -
birth day
the handmaid's tale - 1x03 -
the handmaid's tale - 1x04 -
nolite te bastardes carborundorum
the handmaid's tale - 1x05 -
the handmaid's tale - 1x06 -
a woman's place
game of thrones - 7x03 -
the queen's justice
the handmaid's tale - 1x07 -
the other side
the handmaid's tale - 1x08 -
the handmaid's tale - 1x09 -
the bridge
the handmaid's tale - 1x10 -
game of thrones - 7x04 -
the spoils of war
game of thrones - 7x05 -
game of thrones - 7x06 -
beyond the wall
game of thrones - 7x07 -
the dragon and the wolf
broad city - 4x01 -
sliding doors
broad city - 4x02 -
twaining day
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x01 -
the big house pt.1
broad city - 4x03 -
just the tips
how to get away with murder - 4x01 -
i'm going away
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x02 -
the big house pt.2
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x03 -
broad city - 4x04 -
jane the virgin - 4x01 -
chapter sixty-five
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x04 -
broad city - 4x05 -
abbi's mom
jane the virgin - 4x02 -
chapter sixty-six
stranger things - 2x01 -
chapter one: madmax
stranger things - 2x02 -
chapter two: trick or treat, freak
stranger things - 2x03 -
chapter three: the pollywog
stranger things - 2x04 -
chapter four: will the wise
stranger things - 2x05 -
chapter five: dig dug
stranger things - 2x06 -
chapter six: the spy
stranger things - 2x07 -
chapter seven: the lost sister
stranger things - 2x08 -
chapter eight: the mind flayer
stranger things - 2x09 -
chapter nine: the gate
broad city - 4x06 -
jane the virgin - 4x03 -
chapter sixty-seven
jane the virgin - 4x04 -
chapter sixty-eight
broad city - 4x07 -
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x05 -
bad beat
jane the virgin - 4x05 -
chapter sixty-nine
broad city - 4x08 -
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x06 -
the venue
jane the virgin - 4x06 -
chapter seventy
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x07 -
two turkeys
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x08 -
return to skyfire
broad city - 4x09 -
broad city - 4x10 -
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x09 -
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x10 -
game night
brooklyn nine-nine - 5x11 -
the favor
jane the virgin - 4x07 -
chapter seventy-one
black mirror - 4x01 -
uss callister
black mirror - 4x02 -
black mirror - 4x03 -
black mirror - 4x04 -
hang the dj
black mirror - 4x05 -
black mirror - 4x06 -
black museum
jan 2 2017 ∞
jan 2 2018 +