• he/him lesbians arent transphobic or harmful in any way and yall need to check your damn lesbophobia that youre masking with flimsy reasoning
  • you cant reclaim a slur if that slur has never been aimed at your specific identity (ex. a trans man can't reclaim the d slur because its aimed at lesbians)
  • if you do reclaim a slur dont use it @ others if they arent comfortable with it (ex. dont use the q slur to encompass the entire lgbt community)
  • cishet(eromantic) aces and cishet(erosexual) aros aren't lgbt
  • cis aroace ppl aren't lgbt
  • reverse racism isnt real/you cant be racist to white people
  • misandry isnt real either
  • basically all of these things where u can supposedly be oppressive to an oppressor (ie heterophobia, cisphobia) arent real
dec 17 2018 ∞
apr 24 2019 +