- foods
- cheesecake
- alfredo
- churros
- homemade chicken noodle soup
- orange chicken and rice
- crab legs
- better than sex cake
- pringles
- hawaiian rolls
- colors
- lilac
- cream
- sage green
- mint
- forest green
- rose
- coral
- all pastels <3
- maroon
- lavender
- banana yellow
- rose gold
- pearl
- navy blue
- iceberg blue
- baby blue
- flowers
- roses
- alliums
- anemones
- azaleas
- bellflowers
- bleeding hearts
- camellias
- plumbagos
- carnations
- columbines
- cosmos
- daffodills
- daisys
- delphiniums
- english bluebells
- gardenias
- gerberas
- hyacinths
- hygrangea
- kalmias
- lilacs
- magnolias
- music genres
- dreamcore/weirdcore
- lofi
- indie rock
- alternative
- classic country
- hyper pop
- alt rap
- hip-hop/rap
- sounds
- fresh snow crunching under shoes
- jingle bells
- sound of bathwater running
- giggles
- trees blowing gently in the wind
- shoes on hardwood floors
- mechanical keyboards
- the sound of rushing water
- violins
- thunder rumbling
- smells
- fresh rain
- pine trees
- vanilla
- new car smell
- crumble cookie stores
feb 24 2022 ∞
may 25 2022 +