• i miss my dad! weird.
  • i wish life was the way it was last spring. that was such a good, good season. everything kind of changed after my birthday.
  • i hope this new way works. ( i am ready to be new again/ don't know where i've been/ i am ready to be new, again/ i'm am ready for you to say oh, who i am, "its quite nice"/ but you don't know where i've been....)
  • i wonder if seth and joseph think im a COMPLETE weirdo. i just think gee you knit? and fake moustaches are beyond hilarious...
  • i wonder what the weather will be tomorrow, and whether i'll do the beach...AND if jillian will text me ( and will it really be such a bad thing if she doesnt?) well she did, and its FREEZING out according to her...damn floridian :) so maybe i'll take a solo trip today and then i DEF want to go monday because its gonna be, like, seventy.
  • i like l lately...mostly...wonder how long things will stay this way?
  • i really REALLY miss last spring.... that house, the pool, the pond, walking delilah, the golf course, walking to safeway, the drainage ditch, the dock, bike paths, everything.
  • do NOT feel like texting nancy... such a paper friendship (and you can talk until you're rich/ until your cheekbones hurt/ and then a little baby talk/ to make sure you still work)
  • i wish my talk with seth wouldve been better. wish i had been more awake. next week :/
  • such a fun time with adriana! (and claud, john, and pablo. sebastian got a little crazy.)
  • i LOVE hanging with adriana... i want to be so laid back as she is. hopefully will spend time with her again soon :)
  • frick it was hard telling seth about eating stuff...i'd be sick of me if it was him. :(
mar 26 2010 ∞
jan 3 2012 +