No diet soda

No dessert unless a social thing (try it out?)


  • Soup (100 cals) and yogurt (110 cals)
  • truffle mac and flatbread
  • (bad bad bad) food at elises: broccoli raab, cake, pasta salad.


  • grape soda
  • last purge ever? probs not. ice cream
  • garbanzo salad and pita bread
  • cookie from noodles
  • yogurt
  • piece chocolate, milk duds

Good newssss: no diet soda! :) bad news desserts :( tomorrow, try BIG dinner and then NO SNACKING after.


  • fruit salad
  • mad greens salad with roasted red pepper dressing, pita bread, mac and cheese
  • protein shake


  • grape soda
  • garbanzo salad with rice, falafel, pita, etc
  • 2 protein shakes (it would be good to have had one in the morn instead of the sodaaa)


  • cookies at work :(
  • salad after work and a pita :( (next time, don't order pita and save salad for dinner. get in habit of making a protein shake!)
  • target mac, 2 pieces naan
  • walked to tar tar and backkk
  • binge and purge bleehhh

m26 ideal (and the rest of the summer) have two meals be a protein shake, and then a full meal for the other. no desserts, and then a protein shake if i need a bedtime snack. i think its perf aaaaand then i can eat lunch w someone if they want w/o me having to pretend like im gonna restrict the rest of the day

may 21 2011 ∞
jun 2 2011 +