• _031409: The best kind of conversations are the ones with those who you love, that go from silly to serious and then right back to serious again. i may love abundantly and i may be vulnerable, but at least i can have times where i feel my heart fill with love.__
  • the arc is best shopped slowly, with friends
  • sometimes others can show us what we feel is impossible
  • God has blessed me so much in my first ever platonic friendship. maybe you don't have to be with someone to love them. (but now i realize second ever, marcello being the first)
  • 031509: hillary belongs in manorwood.
  • its scary, but sometimes saying what you mean is good. and its not bad to keep dwelling on it... right?
  • worst case scenarios aren't the only option
  • sad songs and cigs = perfect
  • 031609
  • sharing art with someone can be great
  • someone leaning against you can create happiness for quite some time
  • 031809
  • i am so fucking tired of always having to be perfect and wonderful and alert and great.
  • i wish i could be sad or tired or lonely or stressed without getting quizzed every five minutes by my dad. he should shut the fuck up with his inferences and just let me be myself, and be okay with me exactly how i am in the moment. fuck his stupid quizzes.
  • and fuck hillary's stupid comments. is she really so insecure that she needs to constantly infer how great she is? apparently so.
  • and i hate having to be the one who texts first
  • and i hate that joslyn just canceled plans without informing me first. because it brings back all the sticky feelings i remember from when i was younger.
  • and bri and brandi and their stupid friend were so fucking unfair last night at lifegroups.
  • its pathetic how they kept having to instigate how removed and xcore they are. completely bullshit.
  • i think its funny that joshua pursued me. and that john from noodles texted me.
  • i offered to smoke pot with rob if he came to church with me once. lol.
  • they sent me home from work after an hour twenty. pathetic.
  • oh and why the fuck wont elise respond? that sucks too.
mar 14 2009 ∞
jan 3 2012 +