• (F14)so i had a slurpee for the first time ever today
  • 911 emergency! 911! 911!
  • and i officially completely dug it
  • and i really really need to go grocery shopping.
  • but i don't have a CAR


  • (F17) working with john honn
  • convincing everyone i have a boyfriend that just recently moved to nebraska to pursue a design business. his name is robert. no wait, its jordan. joshua.
  • driving that purple blue dodge. not the asshole in the back, but the car itself. i really dug it.
  • after lifegroups fashioning a ghet-toe waterbottle water gun
  • and then having 'gang signs' on our hands
  • talking with people. i feel like i am getting pretty established thurr.
  • when seth walked over to the group and hugged me. i so thought he was going to just pass by and say night. which would've been in God's plan, but still very sucky. but he didn't just pass by. he asked for my number.
  • tonight was really fun... the louisville gangsta ink. the homefashioned water gun. so good.
  • listening to music. always so good. to rediscover a life not dominated by television.


  • (f19) doing the talk at boulder middle
  • looking all cute and walking into the class and then hearing this little "alexis!" and seeing seth sitting there smiling. i think he is very attractive. and it was so very sweet when he talked when no one else would. texting him after that class was very enjoyable too.
  • i was annoyed when alyse didnt give me my giftcard! lawl. but that is so typical alyse. and i really do like her, about 63% of the time.


  • (f20) when seth texted me to ask how my day was. then ask me to coffee on monday. i am very much looking forward to it. and i like how slow and casual things are going. seth, unlike mark, is able to keep it in his pants. i still stand by what i said somewhere earlier... i don't know if the feeling is mutual. and i hate to be thinking that it is, only to find out that it is not.
  • then going to the mall with elise. her creeping, staring down the red car. going to shift, but mostly taco bell and the hot chocolate guy. then eating. then the lights going out. then spying on mark stahl. then driving through the darkness listening to creepy brand new. then the creepy drive through and freaking her out by stopping and staring then turning really suddenly. so much fun. and telling her the truth about Tomas. and then her making the comment about how i twirl my hair and accidently drive in other lanes. then talking about my dad.
  • "he has a wig appointment. I MEAN HAIR. WIG. ITS A WIG. ITS A WIG. THE MUSTACHE IS FAKE TOO. OH GOD."


  • (f21) getting my spiffy new car. i liked getting things done. then going to chips. seeing elise even though she was grumpy. getting a request and comment from ry ry on facebook.
  • i'll admit; i hated seeing those pictures on tara's face book. but i have to remember that that was the past, and i am a very different person, and i don't have to deal with those paper girls in that paper neighborhood anymore. they will play their paper games and live their paper lives and never be anything more that just that. paper.
  • bri miracle is totally elusive and i am completely over it. if she wants to apologize and make an appearance back in my life, cool. if not, bummer.
  • that is so sad that seth was only invited to the after party at ashleys and not to the dinner... and so typical that ryan weir was her date but he didn't know it.
  • i wonder what happened to megan lane on feb 19th 08? she sure talked about it a lot on facebook.
  • i can't believe how many girls are going on this india trip. i kind of don't like it and i really don't see the point.
  • i think i am sending DDrob the wrong signals
  • i'm moderatly stressed about money. garage sale a must
  • i wonder if the mexico trip is going to get canceled?
  • i wonder how far elise and thomas really went physically?
  • i really want to name my car the ghetto pearl. but i don't know how racist that is.
  • i ate too much tonight. mostly because of all the stuff on my plate, fearing tommorow, and all the diet soda i have been drinking.
  • i plan on skipping breakfast tommorow, and eating a spicy pickle sammy for lunch and something either before or after merge for din-nums.
  • hopefully my body won't think of that as restriction and won't start a cycle of binge-restrict. that may be why i was screwed today, too, because i didn't eat till two. we will see what happens tomorrow and just go from there.


feb 17 2009 ∞
jan 3 2012 +