• hanging out with Kurtis

_but i really should text him. i think g*d wants me to.

  • text him
  • work again on monday. just getting back into the swing of it. -yeah, work is lame but i realllly don't want to do tommorow. 10 to 3. hopefully john honn will be working. but today, even though elise hated me for it, i loved talking to that deaf family. time to add that to the list.
  • all events tomorrow. i hate not having my car because i feel completely out of control of that situation.

-i got it done and it was not bad at all. in fact, it was very enjoyable.

  • talking in the high school on thursday

- so i did it, and im not tired or anything. and seth was in the class. lol. carmen and i were really late. and we walk in and all go to the front... and i hear "alexis!" and see seth sitting there. oh gosh. it was funny. but really scary in general. and something weird happened... seth's friend looked at me and then nodded or something to seth. when we did agree disagree sdog spoke up when no one else would. so great of him to do that. we texted a little bit after which was totally nice to do. so. yeah. i just can't help remembering joseph trying to deter me from him, you know? all i know is that i should relax, that god totally has a plan with all this. i couldn't have planned that, even if i tried. oh man. i just don't want to read too much into this.


  • breakfast with nicole. just because i don't want it to be forced, and i don't care to hear about all the awful things that tho and lisa say about me.

- its funny. when i was in louisville today, i was just so over that town. im done with those paper people in that paper school. _ it was fine. see diary.

feb 14 2009 ∞
jan 3 2012 +