• the way fort collins looks and smells right before rain, its my absolute favorite weather and its so rare
  • that i have classmates who love studying with me and who are often in classes
  • talking with elle over balsamic vinegar pasta
  • katy getting me the perfect earrings and a sailors knot from california, and more than that speaking into my life. when she left i had this sense of peace, talking to someone who isn't in yl but still has her shit together...and who has stayed a friend through all the chaos this year.
  • cleaning my room and seeing it with new appreciation...its so big and beautiful.
  • going on a run and feeling like i did something good for my body
  • having my friends back from vegas
  • that i have a roomate from florida who still misses me, and the potential trip to the south this summer
  • my peace over the fact that i may not understand why, but i really like challenging relationships and its something that i am at least aware of now
  • talking with nick t and feeling validated in my feelings
mar 18 2012 ∞
mar 20 2012 +