• "basic instructions. eat some healthy things. do some stuff for your physical, breath, mental body. feed your heart. rest. laugh. trust what you know and what you don't. there is knowledge everywhere and within that knowledge the great mystery."
  • "we are all in this together--you are not alone. you are beauty, strength, desire. the world needs your spark, your flame. there is magic in the concealment, the not knowing....trust is knowing wherever you end up, whatever choices you make, that you can always make another choice. each breath is a gift, even in the moments when you question it....thank you for showing in the this lifetime, just as you do....you are perfect and whole and always expanding into more. that is the nature and intelligence of the universe. love you all."
  • "this is your year. go for it. be nice to yourself and kind to others.listen to your head AND your heart. let both be in the driver's seat. trust life. just trust it. it is so much easier that way. know that there is more to come. it is a mystery. surprise yourself. choose life. get on the boat today. love. love. love. happy new year :)"
  • let today be a beautiful day of experiencing life. you have been given another chance to taste all that life has to offer. someday in another form you will reach samadhi, enlightenment, whatever you want to call it--so today, experience what it means to be HUMAN :)
  • f you want to be alive. then live. shine, laugh, don't take it all so seriously....or if you want, take it seriously, but really, just live the life you want.
  • lighten up ;) it's not that big of a deal. life has no meaning, except that which you give it. make up something that works for you.
  • do what you need to do to unshackle your heart.
  • i do work that i love. i have a sacred community that i love. i have a home that i love. i have lots of things that i love. and it took time and effort.and i love that i made it happen. and so can you. make changes today that will create a future that you will love.
  • do whatever you want

and deal with the consequences of being yourself. say what ever needs to be said and hear what the world has to say back.like what you like. have boundaries where you want them. eat what you want and see if it makes you feel good. study what interests you and if you don't want to study anything, cool. vote it you want to vote, don't if you don't. point the finger or take responsibility, it's your choice. care when you care. be lazy when it feels like time to be lazy. get going when it's time to go. just live your life they way you want and see if it works for you, if not, do something else.

feb 18 2013 ∞
oct 7 2014 +