• first game i was ez+kayle vs sivir+morg. this time team didn't implode, maybe because i randomed ez instead of picking him. early on i got the first kill in lane because sivir zoned out or something. she didn't dc she just tried to last hit something close to me when she had 150 hp so i downed her. from thereon we managed to force her out of lane allowing me to get ahead in cs but didn't really win trades until i got bt+bf (which was minutes before they surrendered). our jungler shut down their top and mid which is why we won this. http://puu.sh/1LZjo
  • second game seems to have randomed me ez again. +nunu vs twitch+janners. http://puu.sh/1M2ND laning phase was easy. twitch wasn't too good and janna wasn't mindblowing so we got the upper hand. their boarlady also didn't really do much which lead to a relatively easy victory.
  • wooo i got zyra support + varus vs lulu+ez. wow i got cv so i could use it early as we spawn but i got the "could not establish connection" error. also wow, zyra is really strong. no post game screen because i reconnected from outside client (barely). all i gotta do now is learn how to not feed and i should be golden; other than that, varus carried us this game.
  • am cait+janna vs ez+zyra. we're currently doing ok we just took tower. http://puu.sh/1M5yA zyra wasn't all that good and neither was their udyr so we got this one.
jan 10 2013 ∞
jan 12 2013 +