- only 3 exams failed yay. caught a murderous cold yesterday after my last exam and i barely slept last night so i'm just gonna do some blind picks and have fun today
- i'm mid vlad vs kass. these things are wack. darius started blue without wolves, and can't gank, though he built a warmog and he just spams his stuff and deals damage which is good; their top is diving two turrets to get to jarv while dying in the process, and we turned this around from being 10 kills and 5 turrets behind them; because normals. http://puu.sh/20RSZ
- second game randomed annie (vlad past game was random too) and will support cait vs ez+soemthing. these games sure are wild yo. http://puu.sh/20Sxf everybody in my team was too superscared to do or initate anythingggg.
- IM FIZZY IN THE JUNGLE!!!! but yet another team without any hard intiation. this seems like a bit too late to realize that fizz still does better as ap even when jungling. WAIT. THAT IS IT. I TANKFIZZ. haha ok time to be serious. http://puu.sh/20T4T
- http://puu.sh/20TI8 randomed kog after around 10 tries and did a decent job out of it.
- hope i can play darius in the jungle now because it sure looks like i'll have to. http://puu.sh/20VA0 lanes kinda lost early except for rum who was the one to kinda get us outta that mess and then mf got somewhat back on track and ziggs started carrying.
- s-s-support leblanc+ez vs ez+blitzcrank and both teams have a shaco jungling (ain't seen a shaco in so long). http://puu.sh/218pf shacos did both ok with what they had; in all these blind pick games people play generally worse than in draft picks; their ez went for me real early but forgot i got heal so ours got firstblood and then i got to exercise leblanc on botlane and she looks pretty awful to lane against. definitely stronger than annie support, not that i would've played any good that one game.
- got forced to support again which was pretty ok except for top mid and jungle doing horribly. http://puu.sh/219qa
- i got invited to a draft normal by a bud. looks like i'll be leblanc+varus vs sivir+nami http://puu.sh/21any it was kind of a stomp. sivir was good at spellshielding things but varus's spells and mine were more than enough to do the job; she was really tanky though and nami'd heal her right back up after every trade. varus being great won us bot though.
feb 11 2013 ∞
feb 11 2013 +