- http://puu.sh/1MMnu first game i wanted to go elise or zyra support since that's what i got left to get but then elise kinda went ahead and picked herself so i just got myself the plantie. my ults were horrible and kass was grounded in mid lane by yi's pushiness. and mao fell behind 'cause he got coutered a lil' bit which left us fending on our own vs the bottoms and a lee every now and then. fortunately the enemy lee didn't build tanky; and then we got some dragons; and then we got akali a few pickups because they had gotten cocky enough they'd just strut around without a care in the world. which slowly and steadily got us the game.
- second game i banned twitch varus and vi and randomed gragas. this is so going to hurt. hmm. i didn't expect me to do well with fatty. went up vs lux and had to talk to parents in law over the phone the first two minutes which meant mindless afk farming and going through all my pots and then i got back and got a rod and i guess i afk farmed and tried to just stay safe and not fall behind but i somehow managed to kill lux at 7 because high damage and then i have no idea how but the kills kinda racked and ez honestly carried us. http://puu.sh/1MNl6
- third game today has me zyra+ez again, this time against taric+sivir. ez called mid, but this guy we got was like "i don't care", so bluh. i'm just happy i can be a plant. plants are cool. normally i wouldn't say this with an amumu and zyra in my team, but they have so much cc i'm a bit scared. things snowballed in their favor ever since the beginning and everyone in our team'd be too scared to do anything about it. after 45 minutes we were finally convinced we could win if we didn't get caught out of position by noc initiating. and we won in the very first teamfight we initiated. http://puu.sh/1MVGr
- time to try out the worst gp player's best build thought of for 4 minutes. if i can get gp again and not dodged, that is. http://puu.sh/1MXsD horrible gp is make victory. going top vs leblanc was pretty unique I could easily fight her early and I was content with having 4 times her cs but then she started dealing considerable damage (not to mention the countless noc ganks) so I just switched with mord and pushed two towers mid. as for gp, no news; I'm still horrible at him.
- this game i randomed heimer which i guess was ok except for a certain teammate who decided he'd rather troll because he didn't get ganks. and for bot lane who got obliterated because draven insisted janna'd be better than lulu in this comp. http://puu.sh/1MYoW
- ok for my last game i went for a ranked. i was first pic (augh) blue team so i banned swain, was unsure whether to ban gangplank or not (i was pretty much just killing whatever can stand a chance against elise top) but i ultimately decided against it and banned malphite and jarvan since our jungler wouldn't go those either. not banning gangplank was a good choice because they got support gangplank and it didn't really help their cause. their first pick was ez and second was talon so we went for graves and taric which is an extremely armory combo (gp must not have taken this into account when setting up lane since they got countered hard). then they got cho jungle and nid top. had it been the other way 'round i could've hit trouble, but nid, while much better than any other i fought top, was still nid and couldn't do much against my poke (except get talon to gank).then we got shyv and kha to counter their talon (lesson to be learned: stop picking things easily countered) which worked so good talon had to switch places with cho and go jungle. by mid game kha and shyv proved to have great chemistry doing pretty much everything together and equally as well. which is to say they'd either slaughter or get murdered with no middle ground. this really didn't help us get an advantage since this meant nid happened upon a few buffs from shyv which made my lane way harder than it should've been. other than that, kha still got a lot of kills and basically was all around scary. meanwhile i was 1/3/1 and splitpushing hoping i could get my glacial shroud upon getting which i jumped to somewhere around 5/3/4. then we got aced at baron (after getting it) and almost lost. i decided against getting a void staff because nobody built resists in their team instead getting double elixirs and working towards a GA (was 100 gold away from it when we won). http://puu.sh/1MZYz
jan 12 2013 ∞
jan 12 2013 +